Miniature Version

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' thoughts ' - the person is thinking.

" thoughts " - the person is speaking. 😊

Leannsa wasted no time to drain the bottle dry of her favorite almond flavored formula milk, one of her eyes shut off from the world while the other never looked away from my face for even a mere millisecond. It was if she found me fascinating enough that even after seeing me everyday of her 5 months of living, she's still flabbergasted.

It's just these little things that makes me happy to be a mother, her innocence swoons my heart over even if she has the annoying tendency to wake me up at ungodly hours. 'Geez, and here I thought it was my job to keep an eye on her.' I chuckled a bit at my mental joke, adjusting Lele a little more over my arm to diminish her chances of choking on her beverage. 5 minutes faded away when she finally finished, pressing her amaranth colored lips together in a cute baby pout. I squinted my face together and wiggled her diminutive button nose with my right index finger, making weird raspberry noises that would no doubt receive all types of criticism from anyone who saw.

I couldn't really stop myself from cooing at how she started to giggle that crazy adorable giggle only babies can produce, her dimples deciding to make a bold appearance. I stopped instantly and just...stared. She didn't stop laughing since she was just that baby that laughs even when there's absolutely nothing funny to laugh about. Something I definitely know she must've inherited someway somehow from a certain Irish. I tilted my head to the side to better scan over her soft features, not believing how much she looks just and I mean just like her daddy with her dimples out there like that. It's kinda scary in a way because it's as if I'm looking directly at a miniature version of Harold himself but in reality I'm not.

I shoke my head with a light laugh, laying back on my bed recieving a loud squeak in protest from the mattress as I lifted her up in the air as far as my arms could. She squealed in happiness and continued to giggle but this time even louder.

"It's not fair." I whined, trying to imitate her pout but I'm sure I looked pretty pathetic.

"You supposed to look like mommy, not daddy. Mommy had to carry your cute ass for 9 months and 7 hours of labor while daddy was in London." I watched in amusement when she started to kick her little feet with so much energy that you wouldve never thought that an hour ago she was knocked the hell out. Makes me wonder if a certain singer is sleeping right now.

I had a sneak thought of hacking his twitter and fucking shit up, but then again, I ain't got the time to deal with Rere's management (not that they fazed me).

Catching the time on my digital clock, I growled under my breath seeing that this little mother and daughter moment will have to take a rain check since I gotta be at the hospital in 5 hours.

'If only gabriel's chunky ass didn't decide to take his time getting ready and taking bloody forever to get the milk!' I huffed completely irked but nonetheless brought my baby down to my chest and used my free hand to get up and sit up against the wooden headboard.

I placed her back in my arms so I could better focus on her face, needing to see full hand that I am a mother. It's still a bit to take in since I didn't even know I was pregnant with Lele until last minute and when I mean it was last minute, I had no warnings until one sunny day a clear and disturbingly thick substance shimmied down my thighs. It was Myriam who knew firsthand what it was and had Phillip carry me to the car and onwards the hospital.

I steadily began to rock her, hoping that the almond milk would at any moment begin to pull her into lala land.

"Well ma, mommy has to work in a few and I can't have you awake while I'm sleeping so what do you say about a bedtime story?" I whispered, reaching out to move a reckless thick curl out her eye since she looked like she was having a hard time trying to blink it away.

'Just like Harry. That's why the boy always flicking his hair out his face since he'll blink like a bitch trying to make it go away.'

I blinked when she started to babble for a nice 3 seconds then stopped, looking as if she was waiting on me to say something. I raised a funny looking eyebrow as a small smirk formed on my lips, "I'll take a yes?" For some odd reason I decided to gaze up at the ceiling, narrowing my eyebrows trying to brainstorm up a good story. Normal parents would start with the typical "Once upon a time" or "There once was a beautiful baby princess" but see I'm not what you call....normal. And that's how I came up with my idea of a story.

Leannsa gurgled when I unexpectedly looked down at her with a mischievous smile, tapping her tender nose lightly. "Let me tell you how I met your beloved daddy. Harry Styles....or how I like to call him, Rere." She surprised me when she flashed me the hugest grin.

My lord, this baby look too much like her daddy.

Closing my eyes as if trying to relive that very moment almost 2 years ago, I snickered remembering how and when it all took place.

"So it alllllll started...with a twerking competition at the VMAS and man when I tell you it was a hot ass mess, I mean mommy was an embarrassment." I just had to laugh when a little picture popped up in my head, "Oh yeah. That was the day everything changed."

Hey boos! 😝 Sorry to end it there when I started to go into detail! You know it's all love I swear! Hopefully I can update tomorrow! 😊 but the more comments I get, the faster I update so keep them coming! 🙌 And if you wanna be in it, just hit me up on twitter ~> @PrincetonsMafia! 😁 till hopefully tomorrow! 😘

Bedtime Stories - an Interracial Harry Styles Fanfiction (bwwm)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora