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He froze, gazing at his mother befuddled, had she just said she should've killed him? She did, she said she should've killed him! He frowned, heart starting to ache even more, the smallest acre of hope being demolished slowly as her wounding words entered his heart.

"What are you talking about?" he asked, feeling his chest rise heavily, everything painful breath stinging his throat.

"You were a mistake!" she screamed, finger pointing at him accusingly. "I only wanted a normal son! But what was I given? A paranormal freak!"

"N-no, you loved me, you said I had a talent, you said it was okay for me to be different!!" he wailed, salty hot tears plummeting down his pale face. "YOU'RE LYING!"

Katherine laughed pitifully, a face that he'd never seen his loving mother use before, she stood, walking towards the kitchen hastily, her normally calm stature and mood suddenly raging, her posture rigid, her limbs trembling endlessly.

"I dont understand!" he screamed, finding difficulty in catching his breath, his heart was throbbing so painfully he reached up to hold it down.

"When you were born everyone adored you, but then you started saying and doing things a normal child wouldn't! It scared Ian, they said you were a bad omen, that no good would come from keeping you alive" Katherine began, slamming her fists down on the kitchen bench, clenching and gritting her teeth together. "But I loved you too much! So I refused, and raised you myself, without the help of your father! And everything started changing, just like they said"

"Who's they?!" Andy demanded, eyes blurred with tears and blood.

"The prophetesses, they foretold your dangerous obsession with stitching! The abnormal talent you were soon to gain if you continued, and how much blood it would shed!" Katherine snarled, startling the boy staring at her with disbelief.

"This is about my stitching?!"

"Yes, the first time I realized this wasn't right was when you were six, like I said before, you murdered your babysitter, in the exact same way your father!" his mother wailed, voice rising, the memory too much for her to handle. "That night your father tried to put an end to the terror, he tried to end your life, but it didn't work"

"Why didn't you tell me?!" Andy demanded, sanity long gone.

"It wouldn't have made a difference, after that night, I new you weren't my son anymore" the words the women was spilling hit the boy hard, and as if she'd physically damaged him, he tumbled back against the wall.

"Thats not true! I am your son!" Andy exclaimed, hands clenching into shaking fists.

"No, your lucifers son now" Katherine whispered smirking like a lunatic, beautiful blue eyes now dark and hard. "Just look at your blood, it isn't human! Its black, showing you no longer have a soul!"

The boy watched her as she slowly slithered over to the cutlery, his eyes widened comically as he understood her intentions, he quickly pulled the small blue scissor blades, dark red, from his school shorts.

Katherine, a psychopathic smile plastered on her face, grabbed the sharpest kitchen blade then slowly toyed with it in her palm, digging the blade so deep it actually drew blood.

"Dont!" the boy wailed, a pleading tone radiating from his former silent voice. "You dont have to do this!"

"Your right" the women slowed her uneasy pace, staring at the knife clutched in her now bloody palm, Andy looked at her hopefully, nodding vigorously. "...I dont..."

Wavering his scissors, the boy tried to calm himself, anxiety building in his slowly shattering heart. Katherine seemed to have a serene edge to her now, but Andy still refused to take any chances, as his eyes kept drifting to the sharp blade she had tightly positioned in her hand, noticing his mothers grip hadn't loosened at all.

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