
937 21 12

11:05 AM


We took the table that was the closet to the window and I sat across from Valeria and Ma. She looked out the window but I looked directly at her. Damn, I didn't want to seem like a creep but she made it hard for me not to stare. 

Roza-"Abel you're still working at that mini mart baby?"


I almost choked on my saliva when I herd the question. Ma didn't know I got fired and I still couldn't tell her especially not in front of Valerie. I didn't want to give Valerie the impression that I was a low life and a bum because I wasn't. I was working hard at my music career, but it just took some time. "Well, I was thinking about finding another job." I tried to make the answer seem believable and not make Ma suspicious, plus I was trying to impress Valerie a little.

Roza-"Interesting, you know Valerie works at the day care with me. She's good with kids."


It was strange to me how Ma emphasized the word kids like I should be impressed or something. It bothered me sometimes how she wanted me to live a certain way and have a certain life style like settling down and getting married, but I was Twenty and I didn't want to hear all that. I wanted to have fun and plus I still had some growing up to do. "Wow, that's great." I tried to sound engaged to the conversation we were having, but it kind of made me feel uncomfortable in a weird sense so I gazed out the window to keep my mind off of it. 

Valerie-"Soo your mother says you are trying to work towards a music career?"


I looked away from the window and suddenly made eye contact with Valerie. Her eyes were a soft cinnamon brown and they were completed with the dark eye liner. For a minute I felt lost in her eyes and almost lost in the conversation. "Uhh yeah, I make music in my free time. It's something I'm really passionate about." I smiled at her but not purposely. I watched the way she twirled her finger around her hair and how she just looked so perfect. I wanted to paint a character of her in my head even though I didn't know her well yet.

Tess-"Good morning, I'm Tess I'll be your...-"


The name Tess made me jump up a little and I quickly shot my eyes up at her. I forgot she worked down at the diner! "Ahh no" I thought to myself. This really began to feel awkward.

Tess-"...Your...Waitress. Can I start you off with some drinks?"


I could hear the bitterness in her tone and I could tell she was still mad from the last time we spoke. For me, I wasn't really mad anymore. Not at her, but the fact that she ruined a good friendship with Sidd and I made me feel disappointed and beyond shocked. That whole situation was unexpected and if I knew Tess was like that I would have never fucked her in the first place.

Valerie-"Just a water please."

Roza-"Coffee for me."


I stared down at the menu with my hands in my lap. I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings; I blocked everything out of my mind and recapped from the night with Tess.

Tess-"Any kind of drink for you Abel??"


My mother stared at me with a puzzled face when Tess said my name. "Coffee." I didn't take my eyes off the menu because I didn't want to look her in the face. She knew what she did, and she should have felt the need to apologize.

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