A few days later

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Just got hit by roses mum

Amy: hahaha

9: it hurt

10: worse than when Martha's mum hit me :(

11: haha haven't been hit by Amy's parents

Amy: that's because I don't have any

11: you do they just fell through a crack in time and never existed just like Rory.

Amy: who is Rory?

11: oh well um let's see Vincent van Gogh

Amy Pond is offline

11 is offline

10: how is Harriet jones :)

9: she's good cant remember why the name sounds so familiar

10: it will come to you.

Donna: hey space boy can I go home?

10: ok.

Martha: um what's with the sky

Jack: we've been transported

10: where's the earth?

Missing earth if found please return.

9: the earth disappeared?

Donna: spoilers.

10: you sound like river.

Amy is online

11 is online

11 added River Song to the conversation

River: hello sweetie

10: hello professor.

River: Professor I'm going to be a professor some day, am I? How exciting! Spoilers. You naughty boy.

10: ugh so turns out there are twenty six missing planets.

Rose Tyler has been added

10: how'd you get here?

Rose (future): that's not the matter the daleks are back.

9: that's impossible I distroyed them all.

Rose: 9? doctor? OMG hi where are you up to?

9: just stopped the slitheen from starting world war three.

Rose: well you are going to see the daleks soon.

10: you can't tell me my future.

Rose: ugh just get here already.

Rose Tyler is offline

10 is offline

Donna is offline

Martha is offline

Jack is offline

River: well that was awkward who is Rose, Martha and Donna

Amy: previous companions apparently.

9: can you people stop talking about my future.

Amy: well sorry (sarcasm)

11: Amy!

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