Just Walking

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"Where are you going?" Petunia asked with much disgust.

"I'm going to hang out with Remus," Lily said with a smile on her face. Lily's always nice to Petunia to a certain point then Lily breaks down because Petunia can't accept Lily for who she is and her friends are since the beginning of Lily finding out that she's a witch.

"You hanging out with one of your freak friends who calls us his neighbours," Petunia says as Lily runs down the remainder of the stairs and turns around to see Petunia scowling at her.

"I really thought you'd get over this but you keep going and going. Bye Tuney." Lily says with tears starting to form in Lily's eyes as she opens the door to see Remus. She runs up to Remus and he sees that Lily has tears in her eyes so he hugs her as she cries into his shoulder for a minute.

"You want to talk about it?" Remus asks his redhead neighbour as she nods her head.

"Tuney still won't budge after all of these years. I'm starting to worry." Lily said once she pulled away from Remus' shoulder.

"I think it's a serious case of jealousy because you're a witch and she isn't. I even heard she sent a letter to Dumbledore himself begging to come to the school and he said no as she's a muggle like your parents. You are extremely talented Lily and nobody can change that as you are feisty, stubborn and are patient and persistent about every subject that you do." Remus said as he made Lily smile.

"Thanks for cheering me up Remus. You're the best." Lily said as she gave him a hug.

"Your welcome," Remus said as he hugged Lily back. They stood there for a couple of seconds and they shifted out of their hug. "What was the other Hogwarts letter about?"

"Before I say anything else, you have to promise me that you will not under any circumstance tell anyone this, not even the Marauders," Lily said as Remus nodded in agreement. "I got a letter saying that James and I are Head Boy and Girl."

"Congratulations Lily. I know you wanted it so bad. I got prefect again so I'll be working with you and James, but keeping him in check if he does something wrong."

"I bet you he will after what happened last year. He was really annoying that he was making me consider to admit myself into St Mungo's because I was going mentally insane."'

"Then doing prefect duties wasn't going to be as fun with you not being at Hogwarts, plus Alice and Marlene would miss you terribly," Remus said as they kept walking slowly down their neighbourhood. They kept walking around for a while talking about everything that they're going to get for seventh year and different ideas that they have for different school events and possible dates for the Hogsmeade weekends. Lily asked how the other Marauders are and he said that they're good, and they all got all of their letters. Lily and Remus started to make their way back to their houses as the sky started to darken so they decided to make their way back. When they got to Lily's house, they saw a car outside the house that they weren't familiar with. They sat outside on the porch of Lily's house still chatting along until the front door opened to a cold faced Petunia with a whale of a man with a hedgehog of a moustache.

"Hello, I'm Petunia's sister, Lily, and who would you be?" Lily said with a smile and put her hand out for the man to shake it.

"Don't talk to him freak, neither do you friend of my freak sister," Petunia said coldly to Lily and Remus as they looked hurt and angry at Petunia at the same time.

"Fine then, hope you have a good time. Don't let the door hit you on the way out." Lily said sarcastically and waved with a fake smile on her face as Petunia and the man left, and Remus mimicked Lily's movements towards the pair. The car drove off as Lily turned to face Remus and he pulled her into a hug as they just coped a small tip of the iceberg of hate towards Lily and the magical community. They stayed like that for a minute until they shifted out of their hug and decided to talk.

"Are you okay Lily?" Remus asked looking into her emerald eyes.

"Yeah. How about you?" Lily replied.

"Yeah, I'm okay," Remus said as Lily nodded. "I should probably go home. I'll see you in a couple of days when we hop on the platform to go back to school."

"Yeah. See you later." Lily said as Remus started walking across the road back to his house. Lily slipped inside her house to find her parents in the kitchen starting to make dinner.

"Hey, Lily." Mrs Evans cooed to her youngest daughter.

"Hey Mum, Hey Dad," Lily said with a smile.

"Hey, Lils." Mr Evans answered as he looked up from his newspaper.

"I have a question to ask you," Lily said as she sat on a stool near the counter and picked up the cup of tea that was in front of her.

"Fire away sweetheart." Mr Evans said to Lily.

"Who's the man that Tuney was with?"

"Oh, that's Vernon Dursley. They met at Grummings as they both work there." Mrs Evans said as she stirred the soup that was cooking in the pot.

"Oh, okay," Lily said as she grabbed the daily prophet that was sitting rolled up on the kitchen counter. She knew that Remus' parents always ordered two papers so that Lily can read them, and someone from the household usually dropped it off.


I hope you enjoy this update. 


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