Red Blood on the Blue Rose

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It was after school. Nagisa was walking to Karma's home when he spotted a rose bush, they were a bright red, but one was strangely blue. "How unique..", Nagisa walked to the bush and touched the Rose's soft and delicate petals. He studied the bush and noticed that the blue rose on the lowest part of the bush separated from the others. Nagisa frowned "Just like me, all alone.." Nagisa stared at the lonely blue rose and smiled a bit, "I should take with me.. so it won't be alone". Nagisa grabbed it gently from the bush and never put it down on the way to Karma.
When he reached Karma's home he froze in front of the door. Nagisa stared at the rose in his hands and thought "I guess I really am like this rose... I was alone, but.... Karma found me and took care of me, we were great friends, but something changed, we were separated... and soon I will be separated from this rose". Nagisa stood straight and knocked the door. As the door moved he saw Karma on the other side. "Hello Nagisa," Karma looked down at the blue rose in Nagisa's hands. "What a beautiful rose you have there, it's just like you". Nagisa was puzzled "What does that mean?" Karma laughed a bit "Well, first off it's blue with soft petals like your soft blue hair, it's delicate but has thorns, like you, and it's beautiful like you..". Come upstairs with me, I want to show you something I found in Koro-Sensei's desk at school. Nagisa smiled "Okay".
When they walked in Karma's bedroom, it was cleaner then Nagisa had expected. Though it had scattered knives and a bunch of darts on a poster of Koro-Sensei's face. Nagisa turned around and walked backwards, Nagisa tripped on a book laying on the ground and fell into Karma's arms. "Heh, clumsy aren't you?" Karma smiled. Nagisa's eyes became droopy and relaxed, Karma leaned his head towards Nagisa's and said to Nagisa, "Nagisa.... your the person that keeps me strong... your the person I look up to, I love you Nagisa.." Nagisa looked at Karma in the eye and answered "I love you too Karma...".
Karma bit his own tongue hard until blood appeared, he grabbed Bagisa's rose and let a drop of blood stain the rose. Karma held on the Nagisa and said "We will always be together forever... I won't let anything happen to you, because... I love you". Nagisa leaned closer to Karma " I feel the same way about you...". Their lips met and their hearts were connected forever.

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