Han Solo and the Birth of His Son

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Han paced outside the medic door. Nine months since he found out he was going to be a father, and now it was happening. So many questions going through his mind. Boy or girl? Or both, was this a weird thing like with Luke and Leia? Maybe that's why it was taking so long. Finally a little cry, and he rushed in. There was his beautiful wife and his beautiful new baby. A boy. Tears in his eyes, he takes his wife's hand and kisses it. She smiles exhaustedly and then falls asleep. A few minutes later, the nurses bring the beautiful baby back in, clean and warm. Han takes the beautiful infant into his arms. "Hello, Ben," he whispers. "Welcome to life." Chewie waited impatiently in the reception area for them, wanting desperately to see what was more important to Han and Leia than him. Luke waited too but his thoughts were occupied by thoughts of the young padawans he had left at home. He was concerned that Daisy and Duke would kill each other and that Miles would accidentally kill himself with the lightsaber Luke kept confiscating. Suddenly, he felt an overpowering presence of the force. He trembled to think who had that much power and how they'd use it. Before long, Han came out, looking happier than Luke had seen him since the wedding. Han invites him and Chewie to follow him to see the baby.

As soon as Luke walked in he knew. It was the baby who held the power he'd felt.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2016 ⏰

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