Chapter 10

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Arriving  back down stairs, I was surprised to find all 8 of my brothers congregating in my living room. Owen met me at the stairs and spoke in hushed tones.

"Victor has found some information that may change how we proceed with Sang."

"I'm not leaving her, Owen."

"It's not us leaving her that concerns me." Wait? What? "She's a ghost, Sean." Shit, every team from here to the himalayas is going to want her.

I looked over at our brothers and back at Owen, "Do they know?"

"Mr. Lee and Mr. Taylor are aware, the rest have just arrived." This is going to be another long night.

I nodded and indicated that we should join our brothers. The sooner we get this over with the sooner we can plan.

"Gentleman," Owen called them to attention, "Thank you for arriving so quickly. It is late and there is much to discuss.

"As some of you are aware, Dr. Green is assisting a bird he happened upon after the graduation ceremony. Since that time, many things have come to light regarding the bird that need to be discussed and decided upon as a family. Dr. Green?" Owen moved away from the center of the room so that I could address my brothers.

I hated telling them about her injuries and how broken she is. I really hated to see Nathan's face when I had to tell him she lived 2 doors down from him. I hated when they all put the connection together of who she was as Ashley Waters. I hated when they realized they all had at least one class with her. I really hated seeing their faces. They were heartbroken for her, feeling guilty for not knowing, and angry that someone would hurt another human being. They didn't hide their emotions from each other, and I loved that we felt comfortable enough with each other to be vulnerable like this.

"Doc?" Nathan asked with guilt in his voice. "She's going to fucking be ok, right? I won't forgive myself for missing this for 3 years if she won't be ok."

"Most of her injuries will heal with little to no side effects. Her voice may have suffered long term damage and her ribs will bother her from time to time. But we can lessen the damage from those. She's going to need a strength training regimen. And I think you would be the best to help with that." He nodded and looked slightly relieved that he would be able to help her. Kota had moved over to speak quietly with him. They would always feel more guilty than the rest of us; she was right there.

Owen stood up and motioned for Victor to address the group. "As is standard protocol, I ran a  background check on Sang. The results were mystifying to say the least."

Gabe didn't even wait a minute. "What the fuck does that mean? What the hell did you find, Vic?"

"Mr. Coleman, I will remind you that Miss Sorenson is sleeping and needs to continue to do so to recover. Another outburst like that and we will all be doing hours in the morning. Mr. Morgan, proceed."

"For all intents and purposes, she doesn't exist."

The silence in the room was deafening; breaking only when Luke of all people swore. "Shit."

"Oy, Luke! What the fuck are you on about? What's wrong?" Gabriel stage whispered.

"She's a ghost, Gabe." Luke then eyed Victor, "You're sure, right?" When Victor nodded, Luke looked at the ground.

"I'm sure Luke. Her one identifying piece of paper is her high school diploma and I've already erased the electronic copies of that from Ashley Waters. If we pull her hard copy file, she won't exist. "

"Thank you, Mr. Morgan." Owen said and he and I both moved to stand and address our family. "Since you are all now aware of her delicate situation, we need to plan. First there is the matter of adoption."

"Actually Owen, we need to table that for a short while." He looked at me in question and I explained her request to just remain our friend. "She couldn't take it if we didn't want her, so she has asked to be our friend until we are sure." The unspoken ending that I would keep her regardless hung in the air. That's right boys, step up to the plate or get left behind.

"Very well, we will table official adoption talk until all of you have met Miss Sorenson properly. However, we will need to hurry along the introductions."

"After the adoption issue is settled, we will need to explain available options to her. She would be an invaluable asset to the Academy, but she will never be able to have official employment outside of academy run institutions. She'll never officially graduate, she'll never be able to marry, etcetera. Ultimately it will be her decision as to what she wants to do."

Sang wasn't exactly forthcoming with her wants and desires. From the minute I met her she evaded to see what I wanted and would then agree. Getting her to speak from her heart would be difficult. It would require patience, and I only hoped that my brothers and I would give her the time that she needs.

At the end of the meeting, it was decided that Victor and Gabriel would stay the night. Sang was in need of some new clothes and after hearing what she had gone through, everything Gabriel picked out this afternoon was suddenly not good enough for her. He was also determined to make her custom hair care products and perfume. Oh raspberry truffle, you've given him something to work on. I hope you're ready.

We were a somber bunch tonight, not speaking much unless absolutely necessary. Our normal banter and teasing of each other was gone. She was hurting and her own family had caused it. It was something we were all too familiar with.

As my brothers were getting ready to leave, a loud whimper was heard from upstairs. We all paused; waiting, listening, hoping that she would go back to sleep. When that whimper was followed up by a broken scream, it was a race to get upstairs.

I was the first to get to her, gently kneeling down next to her. "Sang! Wake up, Sang! Come on, Creme Brule. Open those pretty eyes for me." She was stuck in her mind, the very depths of it were keeping her under sleep's spell. "Luke, go grab some water. Gabe get a change of clothes for her to wear, they need to be loose. Victor, see if you can pull up some music that will keep her calm."

Before anyone could move Silas started to sing. "Do do do do dooooo do" It was a tune we all had to learn for a mission last year at a local college. We were undercover as an a capella group and had a selection of songs to learn.

My brothers picked up on it immediately. The melody was soothing and I watched as Sang's breathing and pulse evened out after the first few bars; her cries subsiding. The words Silas sang were wrought with emotion. That emotion pulling us in; compelling us to sing with him.

Goodnight my angel, time to close your eyes
And save these questions for another day
I think I know what you've been asking me
I think you know what I've been trying to say
I promised I would never leave you
And you should always know
Wherever you may go, no matter where you are
I never will be far away

Goodnight my angel, now it's time to sleep
And still so many things I want to say
Remember all the songs you sang for me
When we went sailing on an Emerald Bay
And like a boat out on the ocean
I'm rocking you to sleep
The water's dark and deep inside this ancient heart
You'll always be a part of me

Goodnight my angel, now it's time to dream
And dream how wonderful your life will be
Someday your child may cry, and if you sing this lullaby
Then in your heart, there will always be a part of me
Someday we'll all be gone, but lullabyes go on and on
They never die, that's how you and I will be

When the song ended she sighed in her sleep, a small smile gracing her lips. Slowly we exited the room; Silas and I the last to leave. As I shut the door he spoke, "We're not going to let anyone hurt Aggele again, Doc. I won't allow it."

I gave him a "man pat" on the back in reassurance; we would do everything we could to keep her safe.

I smiled as we walked down the stairs to where the others were waiting. Sang didn't need to worry, after tonight we were never letting her be without a family again.

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