Chapter One

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Close your eyes, picture you and I

Loud music filled the vehicle that was going slightly beyond the speed limit. "Round n Around like a horse on a carousel," Calvin whispered the lyrics to the song. He'd just left the airport and was on his way to visit his best internet friend. He gazed up from the back window to see the star filled night sky. The taxi sped down the deserted high way, leaving behind only a yellow blur. A blur that fading into the bright lights if the grand city.

"Only another fifteen minutes until I get to his house," He thought to himself as he looked at his phone. A notification sprawled onto the screen, "New Text From: Niall" it read. Calvin quickly unlocked his phone and read the following, "Hey m8, I was just wonderin if you were off the plane yet," Calvin quickly replied. "I got off about thirty minutes ago. I should be at your place in about 10 minutes." He sent the text then resumed mumbling the lyrics to the songs that were filling the car with heavy rhythm.

He was awfully tired and slowly drifted asleep. Sadly, his slumber was interrupted by the taxi driver, "Yo Buddy! Get out!" The driver yelled as he put all of Leafy's belongings on the ground. Calvin sprung up and got out the yellow cab. "S-Sorry, how much do I owe you?" Asked Leafy as he grabbed his wallet. "$45.92," said the driver. Leafy pulled out the exact amount and handed it to the driver. The rather rude driver then jumped into the taxi and spend off. Calvin gathered his thing's and walked towards an apartment building. Once bringing all his items in the building itself, he went into the clammy elevator and went to the second to last floor. He walked up to the door with the numbers "420" on the door. Leafy chuckled and whispered to himself, "four twenty blaze it," he knocked on the door gently.

The door flew open revealing Niall's half dressed appearance. "Hey Calvin, come on in," Pyro said gently as he moved out of the Reptilian King's way. Calvin trudged through the doorway with all of his belongings. "You can leave your shoes by the door," Stated Neil as he began to walk towards the couch in the living room. Leafy took off his converse and placed them by the door. He briefly looked around to become aware of his surroundings then sat next to Niall on his jet black leather couch. "Hope the flight wasn't too uncomfortable," said Niall "It wasn't at first but it was when a little faggot started kicking my seat," Calvin stating that made Pyro chuckle adorably. Leafy blushed slightly and looked at the wooden floor.

"I only have one bedroom so you can sleep in there. I'll just sleep on the couch," said Pyro as he got up and yawned. The clock on the wall read 12:53 am. "That's not fair to Neil" thought Leafy. "I'd rather sleep on the couch or even share the bed," Calvin joked. "Okay, we'll share the bed then. You should put on your pajamas mate," Calvin stated. Leafy looked through one of his bags and grabbed a pair of black pajama bottoms. "Where's the bathroom?" Questioned the popular youtuber. "The last room on the left side of the hall," answered Pyro. Calvin quickly walked down the darkened hall and entered the bathroom.

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