† It's Him.... I think? †

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*Lesliee's POV*

"I-I'm p-pregnant?" I said, my voice shaking. I took one more look at the pee-covered stick which had a '+' sign on it and threw it away. How could this happen? I walked out of the restroom door. "How was it? Are you pregnant?" asked Eleanor. "Yes" I said, but it came out more of a whisper. "Are you going to keep it?" She asked. "Of course I am..." I trailed of. "It's okay Li. I understand... but how are you going to tell mum?" She said. Oh mack. This was unexpected. How would I know that I'd have a baby? But the only question is... Who is the daddy?

"I don't know..."

*3 years later*

"MOMMY" My 2 year old, well now 3 since it's her birthday today daughter screeched. I chuckled and went up the stairs and to her room. "Yes baby girl?" I asked walking in her pink princess room. "Can we please go to Nandos PLEASE?" She asked. "Okay lets dress you up Princess Elena" She giggled. She had a cute giggle. She also had mesmerizing blue eyes and brown curly hair. She must've gotten the curly brown hair from me, but I don't know who she got her eyes from, but it's really beautiful.

We arrived at Nandos and got into our seats. I noticed a guy who looked about 1 year older than me staring at me, smirking. I then looked at my daughter; she was enjoying her Peri Peri Chicken I smiled at her and look back at the mysterious guy. He started looking me up and down with the smirk still on his face. I shifted uncomfortably on my seat. I noticed that he had a tattoo's and noticed that my name was tattooed to his right arm on his muscles. What? My Name? Why does he have my name tattooed on his arm? And why is he looking at me like that.

"Don't look at him" I heard a whisper behind me and turned around to see a girl who had green eyes and blonde hair with a boy with curly brown hair and green eyes. I looked at them confusedly. "Why not?" I asked. "He's Niall Horan. The troublemaker . Everybody's afraid of him and his gang. He does Drugs and uses girls to get into their pants" The girl said. "I'm Phoebe and this is my boyfriend, Harry" She said sticking out her hand to shake "I'm Lesliee and this is my daughter, Elena" I said shaking her hand.

They both looked at me, shocked. "What's wrong?" I asked worried. " No, It's because Niall's been looking for a girl named Lesliee. He's been searching for her for 3 years." Harry said. "Why?" I asked. "I don't know. Nobody knows. We're all afraid to ask him" Phoebe said. "What did this girl looked like?" I asked. "She had green eyes and curly brown hair. Just like me" Harry said

I gasped.


So here's the 1st chapter!! Please remember to vote. -Angel

Lesliee 《Niall Horan Punk Love Story》Where stories live. Discover now