Road To Civil War Part 2

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Peter was up fairly early. He slept until 6:00am, this was a little unusual for him. He looked over to Wanda, who was still asleep on the couch, and smiled.

He then started thinking about the new "Iron Spider" suit that Tony had been making him. He was also quite curious to see the "Spider-Shield" that Steve had been forging.

After he made his coffee, he turned on the TV only to be in shock of what he was watching. Brock Rumlow, a.k.a. Crossbones, was leading his militia, The Serpent Skulls, into Lower Manhattan.

He quickly threw on his costume and began swinging as fast as he could to the area.

Once he arrived, he counted hundreds of militia troops pouring through the city. "This is Spider-Man. I'm calling upon all Avengers within New York. I repeat, calling upon all Avengers within New York. It is recommended that Veronica comes to play, we've got an army down here." Peter said into his headpiece, hoping someone heard him.

"Hulkbuster coming right up. What's their location?" Tony replied to Peter as he began to suit up.

"Lower Manhattan. The news said that Rumlow is leading the army. I don't seem to have a visual." Peter told Tony as he closely watched the militia move through the city.

"Rumlow huh? Ill take care of him. Do not engage in combat until we arrive Peter." Steve Rogers ordered Peter.

Before he could reply, Peter noticed a large black semi truck with the Crossbones insignia entering the city and moving towards Upper Manhattan. "Uh guys we have a black semi with the Crossbones insignia on the hood moving to Upper Manhattan, I dont know about you guys but I think that sucker needs a spider to follow it." Peter joked.

"Very well. Dont let it out of your sight! Tell us exactly where the vehicle parks." Tony told Peter as he entered the Hulkbuster suit.

"You've got it Tony!" Peter replied as he began stalking the semi.

- Meanwhile -

Captain America gathered the Avengers together. He gave each person a specific order on how to handle the militia. As he began to give Banner his orders, War Machine gave Cap more information on the militia.

"Steve, we've got more militia moving in from Upper Manhattan. Dr.Richards reported that he saw choppers flying in near Central Park, we need all hands on deck for this." War Machine told Steve in a worried voice.

Steve laid is head in his palm out of frustration and said, "Alright... Everyone listen up. This militia has more numbers than we thought. They're moving in from every direction, so we need groups moving throughout the city. Tony, I need you to arrange the groups while I meet with Peter about the semi. Banner, you're coming with me."

Bruce Banner, now able to control his power, began to turn into his green alter ego, the Incredible Hulk. He gave Steve a nod and whispered, "Hulk...Smash..."

- At The Tower (15 minutes later) -

Wanda had just began to wake up. She rolled over and was slightly disappointed when she didn't see Peter. She then sat up and stared at the TV. "IT'S AN ALL OUT WAR THROUGHOUT MANHATTAN! THE SERPENT SKULLS ARE EVERYWHERE! Wait, it's... It's Iron Man!" The reporter shouted with a sense of relief.

"Looks like we could use a Hulkbuster right about now." Tony said as he fired away at the militia. Wanda then shot up and threw on her costume. Now was her time to make up for what she had done. Now was her chance to be a hero. She quickly left the tower and headed towards Lower Manhattan.

- Upper Manhattan -

Peter was dodging bullets left and right. He had tailed the semi to Central Park, Crossbones was there with an armed bomb that only had 10 minutes left. Soon, Captain America and Hulk had arrived.

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