3.snow and nightmarars

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Nighmares pov~

I was pacing in slight panic, why would the guardians pick me or why would the moon pick me, I mean honestly me to a guardian it was a bad idea, it could end badly even that idiot Bunny knew that

I'm Pitch's daughter my name is even nightmare, just like what I loved to give to children wasn't that enough information to guess it was a bad idea?

I was still furious about the whole thing, but was starting to get bored so I took a deep breath calming myself down I could think about this later for now I'm going out to clear my mind and look for something fun to do

I shadow travel to the lake in Burgess it was a cold, but fun town, I walked to the town looking for something fun to do there wasn't much to do I sent a few books to my house with shadow travel or is it shadow transportation? I sent something to my house not me

I froze in my tracks my eyes wide when I saw Frost having a snowball fight with some kid's

I hid my face using my hoody and stuffed my hands in my pocket's and walked past as fast as possible fingers crossed hoping that he woudn't notice me unfortunately he did I'm starting to think the universe is against me

Jack frost pov~

Jamie, me and a few other kids were having a snowball fight when I saw the girl from last night walking down the street she was hiding her face, but I still knew it was her

"I'll be right back Jamie." I said he looked at me confused, but nodded and continued to play as a snowball hit him in the face

I flew over to her she had pale skin it looked almost grey, she was wearing all black, she had a light spray of frekels and had goldin eyes she also had a thin scare on her cheak I wonder how she got it

"Hi, what are you doing in Burgess? And I didn't catch your name last time." I asked smiling at her leaning against a tree trying to be friendly unlike someone else (Bunny)

I don't think she liked me very much she glanced at me and started to walk faster I did the same grinning at her she looked at me annoyed before sighing

"I'm nightmare." she finally said still annoyed I smiled at her "So you still don't want to be a guardian?" I asked her she glared at me "Leave me alone Frost."

"Ah, come on It's not that bad'' I said she rolled her eyes "Come on At least give it a shot I won't stop following you till you say yes." I said she stopped walking a look of mock horror on her face making me laugh, she bit her lip considering her options then sighed in defeat "Fine I'll give it a shot." She mumbled

I smiled at her "Yes! Now I won't be the newbie anymore!" I shouted grinning I could she was trying not to laugh "When do we leave?" she asked smiling slightly I grinned at her

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