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I'm starting to like this kind of situation.  I will just sleep, then that's it. Sleep is all I can do, for now. I need to rest in order to live, but sometimes sleeping makes me think about the past. The past that pushed me into this.

"Can't you understand, Anne?"

"Understand what?"

"That I don't like this, your situation sucks! you don't deserve me and I don't deserve you either"

I looked at him directly, he's also looking at me. He's desperate to go and I can see it. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

"Say it"

"Say what?" His voice sounds confused.

"Say it directly"

"Anne, I don't want you do get worse that's why I'm saying this for your own sak—"

"I'm already worst it doesn't mater anymore. Say it directly" I said as I took a deep breath and telling myself not to drop a single tears.

"But, Anne I told you I don't want you to get hur—"

I opened my eyes and looked at him. He's not looking at me. He's looking at the floor as if he is praying. Lucas, you're already hurting me.

"I fall out of love, Anne. I'm sorry"

After I heard it I automatically become naive, I smiled at him but he's still not looking at me. Say it while looking at me, please?

But, it never happened. He doesn't looked at me.

"Then go, I will just teach myself to moved on and when that time comes please say hello to me"


He's looking at me now, but I'm not.

"I'm worst, Lucas. You don't need me. I understand that, I understand you perfectly. You don't need people like me... you just don't...need me. You're perfect without me, Lucas," I stopped as I bit my lower lip trying not to cry "I perfectly understand...that"

Then he left. Those blank eyes are the last thing I remembered on him.

I cried as hard as I could and promised myself not to cry again because of him.

From now on, I must keep my eyes shut.

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