Lightning Ring

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I walk along the corridors, outside is a stormy night. I look out through the windows, the sound of the rain falling down harshly, the storm and lightning are very loud. Xanxus had stayed back, bored he said. Since his right hand man, Squalo, is not presence, he told me to fetched a wine to his office. I sighed, carrying the red wine on my hands, walking towards his office.


This night's battle is Lightning's.. Lampo. We arrived to our school at night, seeing the Varia already waiting for us.. Except Tsuna, Xanxus, Lussuria and their other mist. "Where's Tsuna?" I glared at our opponents.

"With boss back at our HQ. Boss is bored so he stayed back home~" Belphegor smirks, "he doesn't want to watch Levi's fights, Ushishishi~" The said guy frown, "Boss.." He utters lowly. 'Tsuna... Please be alright..' I look down, sad expression plastered on my face.

"Looks like everyone is here." We look up and see the Cervello twins, "Follow us to the rooftop."


A battle arena, Elettrico Circuit they said.  Us watchers were given an umbrella to protect ourselves from the rain while both Lampo and Levi stands there, soaked.

"Gyahahaha!! Lampo-nii kick his ass!!" Cheered the five years old boy,

"Dammit you stupid cow, don't go there!!" Hayato grabbed the boy before he get soaked by the rain and pull him under the umbrella.

"Lampo." I called out, he look towards me, "Yes Primo?" He yawned, "Don't die.." He nodded and face the enemy.

"Battle start." The twins said in chorus


I heard a sound knocking from the door, I grunts, "Come in." I ordered and came in the brunette girl, holding the red wine I told her to bring. "......" She stayed quiet as she handed me it, I scoffs. "Sit." I ordered. Glancing at the empty chair in front of me.

"....." She obediently sit. I open it and pour it onto my wine glass, sipping it slowly, savoring the taste. The whole minute was gone without a single sound, only my sipping. It was rather pleasant at the very least, different than when the trashes presence. They are loud, my head hurts from their sounds.

"Trash." I broke the silent, she glance at me, "....." Still silent, observing. "You're not scared?" I raised an eyebrow and rested my leg on the table nearby, "... Not really." She reply hesitantly, though her eyes shows no signs of being so.

"Why are you so dead?" She blinked, confused. I twitched, "The first time I saw you, when Squalo brings you here, your eyes looks dead. blank." I explained, 'Just like me back then..' The day I learned that I wasn't Nono's child, that I was adopted.

Instead of answering she looks down, "I don't know." She replies softly. Her tone is of confusion, she didn't know. I bet that everyone doesn't know this too, that is until they experience it themselves.. The betrayals.. The emptiness. She's like me. But worse.

She looks up and our eyes met, 'Or maybe not..' Squints a little and you can see bits of red, blue, purple, yellow, dark blue flickered on her eyes, though a flash of black and orange can be seen clearly until she blinked. I widened my eyes slightly, surprise at her resolve.

"......" I smirks, she's interesting. I stands up, "Trash." I called out towards the door, came in Flan who appears out of nowhere, "Yes boss?"

"We're leaving."


Levi attacked with his umbrella, thunder came clashing towards Lampo who is standing there, yawning and certainly not scared. Not only that, the lightning that came from the storm hit the lightning rod thus hitting Lampo who are stepping on the wires. "Lampo!!" We called out, worried for the our lightning guardian.

Levi on the other hand just turns away and starts walking, "He's dead. I won." We had to look away from the lightning's light, its so bright. "Ve.." He says, we gasp. "LAMPO!!" He's safe. Levi turns around abruptly and shocked to see Lampo came charging at him full speed.

Of course being a Varia member, he can dodged it easily but the fact that Lampo survived the electrocution is.. amazing. He's the lightning rod itself. Annoyed at the fact that Lampo is a better fir to be a Lightning guardian than he is, he took out his swords blade and starts attacking the unequipped Lampo.

"Ve! It hurts!!" Lampo, being a whiny boy he is, runs away. He got cornered by Levi, "You can't run now!!" Yelled Levi before he stabs Lampo. The said guy is shivering, scared. "OI GIOTTO!" I unconsciously run towards the battle ground, G tried to pulled me back but failed.

I stopped Levi from attacking Lampo just before my friend get stabbed in the chest by the pointy umbrella. "Primo..!!" He gasped, "Are you alright, Lampo?" I glance back and smile, he's fine. Levi then put his umbrella away and glared at the Cervello girls, "Oi this is against the rule."

"What...?!" G, Asari, Knuckle glared at Levi who just walk back towards his group. "Nufufuf~ He's right you know~" Encourages Daemon. Although the tone seems mocking, his face looks concern too. Alaude just "hn'd."

"You're right." The Cervello says as she pulled out the lightning ring from Lampo's finger and thre it to the Varia's side. "The winner is Levi due to Giotto's interferes." They announced. Hayato and G clicked their tongue, disagree while the rest frowns.

"Next battle will be--" "WAIT, TRASH." Yelled Xanxus out of nowhere. We look towards him who just arrived and are floating on the air together with Tsuna and Flan. "TSUNA!!" I called out, relieved she's alright.

"Tsuna! / Tsuna-Sama -san / Tsunayoshi.." The rest chorused upon seeing her,

"Give me the sky ring too." We all widened our eyes, Reborn shadowed his'.

"WHAT?" Us all yelled, sans Hibari, Alaude and Reborn.

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