Daddy's little monster

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Since my fathers conspicuous disappearance, my mother has been lost, effected incoherently, not even understanding her own loss. I know understand that feeling.

I enter our church-house in a daze, no memory's. . . and it was all ash's fault.

A feeling of anger bursts within. How dare he? What about my mother has she not noticed? She obviously has but did she allow it to conspire?

My heart races viciously, every memory I had once suppressed are now dried up crusting pieces of nothing, just as I had always wanted them to be. I want my memory's back though now , I want to feel what I felt when I had first fell off a bike, or even a memory of whether I had even once before experienced skidding my knee on anything, a slip of the leg or even a craze filled bulldog, anything that might have reminded me that reality was present and not just some forgotten waste land of memory's.

Isn't it ironic, I sit awaiting for my memories to fall into place and renounce my life once again, yet when my father left all I wanted was to forget. Forget him leaving, forget him once returning, that was why I had become a Drikey, my father grew up hating people, always wanting them to hate themselves, one day they did, ever since then my fathers name is whispered in the dark corners of alley ways, us drikeys were created to put an end to ones self hatred, but instead of preventing it we now end the lives of them all together, I hate it. One of the other reasons was the pure unforgiving sense that I had to end what my father created.

I am wiping away tears, that seems to me like more of a pass time then anything, as a Drikey we commit our lives to 'protect' others from the injustice that was themselves, but now that that is gone I have nothing left to do, my life is a misery. But I will yet again attempt to hunt and I will yet again fail to do so.



I am lost lost in my thoughts as I attempt to let sleep whisk me away, that is of course until I hear a loud banging on my loft door, it's hinges squaring off, chipped and lifeless as it squeaks in protest at my mothers arrival.

"You have to eat something," My brow creases in confusion, what does she mean? I ate. . . The last time I ate was yesterday? My stomach growls in in agreement.

"Oh, ha, I guess I am pretty hungry." A small smile forms on her lips at that, before dropping and leaving a small look of disappointment in her grasp. "What?"

"You have to be more careful about this, it's no joke young lady, I can't deal with you starving yourself right now."

"Mom! I'm not! So I forget a couple meals? It wouldn't be the first time, you have too." He eyes soften slightly.

"Come, we have a guest over anyway." Guest? My brow rises in abrupt confusion, we never had guests over. "Now that I have you attention, change into something nice, we are however in a church, you know?" She winks before leaving me, my mouth agape.

I change in flurry of blurs and I could have sworn I left a few of the ornaments I had in my room, upside down. I check myself over, I look pretty descent in my black pencil tight jeans along with a white sweater that hangs above my knees and Is gripped around my neck in a tight grasped turtle neck, which I follow up with my best boots and a black cable-knit scarf. I pout my lips in an attempt to smoother out my lipgloss whilst plastering on another layer of deep charcoal eyeliner, mascara and corresponding eye shadow. I assembled my hair in a side braid before looking one last time to the full length mirror. Forget decent, I for what seemed like a long time looked nice, maybe even pretty.

I skip briskly down the stairs, my mood dampens when I see who awaits me at the small ornamental coffee table. . .




I sigh hesitantly before making my way down the lofted staircase, he turns and smiles genuinely when he sees me. Huh? I thought he hated me?

"Asher?" My wavers.

"Ash." He corrects, "And, yes?"

"W-what are you doing here?"

"Having dinner it seems, why? Unable to answer that question obligingly by yourself?"

"No! I meant why did you come?" He just give a noncommittal shrug.

"Answer me!"

"If you're going to ask pointless questions, you'll be answered with pointless answers," he shrugs again. If he shrugs one more time . . .

"Stop shrugging!"

"Why does it bother you?"

"Yes!" I answer in a huff, he just nods his head slowly, as if thinking before shrugging again, I snort to myself whilst he just smirks and winks from his side before turning and striding towards the dining room -which used to be the reverends chambers. God he was annoying.


After a 'pleasurable' meal mom sends me to walk ash out, which was good, I want answers.

"Well goodnight, Emily. . ." I step sideways causing him to stop in his tracks.

"Cut the crap, you and I both know that you know more than you're letting on,"

"And. . . " he trails off, trying to prove a point.

"I want answers, every answer for every question."

"I can't. . ."

"I don't care what you can and can't do, I'm going to get answers, whether it be from you, Marcus or my mother, but it might just be a little bit easier on the both of us this way." I saw him hesitate slightly before I found myself grinning like a little girl who's mom agreed to buying her a doll.

"Okay. . . Fine."




Sorry for the cliffhanger. . . Hehe.

Happy birthday to me, MWAHAHAHA


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