Chapter 2

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The next day, I heard a knock. I trudged towards the plain front door fearing the worst. Opening the door just a crack, I peeked out. Standing there was a woman, dressed in a smart black jacket and white blouse, almost as if she was going to meet the queen. Her dark hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail at the back of her head and her nose was perfectly disciplined in the center of her face. She looked not much older than me, but she was at least twice my height!

"Please can I come in?" she asked. To be honest, it was more of a demand than a question. Hesitantly, I opened the door just wide enough for her to enter. She stepped inside briskly and said in a single, dull tone:

"My name is Detective Jones and I need to search your properties and your belongings on behalf of the government." She said it as if she had said it a thousand times before. My heart sunk.

I murmured an 'OK' and shrugged. I tried to look confident although I could feel my face burn scarlet red.

"Don't worry! It's not personal! You see, there's been a burglary and we are trying to find the culprit and the stolen items." she replied in a much more natural tone. Relaxing a little, I told her that she could only carry out the search if it was quick. She assured me it would be so I gave her permission, knowing I had nothing to hide anymore.

She started with the house. She didn't find anything although she did compliment the tulips in the spare room. Next, she searched my garage. The garage itself was simple with an emerald green sliding door. The car inside was mine, but I hadn't driven it since it happened. It was little and red but it was so old there was dust enveloping the steering wheel and cobwebs lacing the ceiling.

When Detective Jones returned, she asked me if I owned a diamond bracelet. I didn't remember ever owning a diamond bracelet but when I saw it, I knew exactly what it was. I denied knowing anything about it but she could evidently tell I was lying because she looked at me in the eye then put her hand on my shoulder and guided me to my own kitchen. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2016 ⏰

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