Peu de valeur

535 13 18

Feedback is appreciated yo
Also cheesy bacon fries

"(Y/n), I'm coming in~" A tall male knocked on the front door. It was, in all honesty, the sweetest thing he could do for you.

"Ohoho," he chuckled, realizing what he said earlier was funny. "I wish." He heaves a sigh, opening the door. He was met with a lonely living room. "Hey, wake up!" He shouts, looking around with his hands on his hips. "(Y/n), I came to pick you up!" Says Kuroo loudly, going up the stairs. He hoped he was loud enough to wake you. "Or maybe I should just wake her the easy way..."

You wake up at the sound of clattering plates being acquainted with the kitchen floor. Releasing a long yawn, you didn't notice that a potential thief was there to stick you up for cash. Sitting up, you began to stretch and look for your fluffy slippers. You smiled at how soft and warm it was. You also noticed how welcoming and bright the sun was. Oh and, did Kenma share his game account password with you(1)? Whilst you enjoyed the little things in life, it was cut short by a loud shattering sound. Cringing in surprise, you suddenly felt queasy and alert. "What the actual frick frack."

Arriving at the last few steps of stairs, you leaned forward as silently as possible to try and identify the intruder. He had bed hair and was cleaning the mess with his hands. "Kuroo? What are you doing, picking up glass shards with your hands??" You quip, walking up to him. He turns around with a meek smile, scratching the back of his head. "Yeah um..." Now that he was facing you, he seemed to have worn your mother's apron. It was clinging desperately to his large figure. He looked ridiculous, putting a delinquent-faced Tanaka to shame.

"—sorry." You tuned out the whole explanation, staring at the horrible contrast of Tetsuro and your mom's apron. He noticed this after receiving no signs of movement from you. "Like what you see?" He smirks. Daring to pose seductively. "Yup, let me take a picture." You laugh, holding up your phone and taking a shot. He looks at the picture, smirk–and pride–fading into a straight line. He was there, smirking. Posing sexily. And wearing the embarrassing apron.

"Hey!" He runs up to you.

"Delete that!" He says in a flustered tone. "But I liked what I saw!" You snark, turning his words against him. He springs forward with a demented smile, going after you to kill you. Running away from him, you end up bumping on the table. "You made cheesy bacon fries!!" You scream, turned around, and brought a running bed head into your warm hugs. "Uhm, yeah. Tried." He sheepishly chuckles, hugging back. "I love it! I love you! Thank you!" You babble, excited to eat your breakfast. "You're the only one I love." He mumbles, hugging your excited form.

"Yes. People, places, history, events. Students! We're doing a pair work!" History teacher Mr. Hitler(2) spat at the students with pure loathing. "GET A PARTNER BEFORE I REACH TWO OR YOU ARE ALL GETTING SHOT." You immediately look at Tetsuro, who in turn gave a laid-back smile. "START NOW OR GET ACQUAINTED WITH MY .40 CALIBER." The students gasp and began finding their significant other. Being the calm and mischievous third year he was, Kuroo stayed in his seat and waited for you.

Unfortunately, you had to make your way to him and not the other way around. "ONE." You paced around chairs and people, trying to evade anyone who was running at you. Almost a couple of feet away from Tetsuro, you were dragged by a wall of people who was pushing you back, trying to get to their partner. "TWO, MOTHERFUCKERS." Everyone was seated quietly, contented and relieved at how they won't get shot. You, in the other hand, were standing and being that one pitiful student. You hastily made your way to a shocked Kuroo and glared at him for being a jerk. "How would I know you were unlucky enough to not reach me?" He whispers to you. "Maybe we just weren't made for each other." He chuckles, "Ha ha ha." You sarcastically laughed and punched his side, sitting down with crossed arms.

"Boy am I ecstatic enough to be paired with you." The bed headed teen stretches his arms up in the air, smiling. You were up in your phone checking messages and statuses, humming in response. However, you failed to notice Kuroo staring at a girl and sized her from the top front to the back bottom. The girl looked back and waved at him. "—Kuroo?" You snap from your phone, worried. "Uhm, no..?" He answers in an uncertain way. "Wait, I need to use the toilet." You mutter, withdrawing your phone. "See you there." He replies, smirking and combing a hand through his bed hair.

"(Y/n)-chan." Kenma quietly greeted, a small yet lazy smile accompanying his light mood. "Kenma-kun!" You happily chirp back, joining the group. Tetsuro looked at you, gesturing you to sit down. You saw something weird in his eyes while he was conversing with Kenma. You knew what it was, yet you didn't know who or what it was directed to.

M e d i o c r e.

Days pass and you were having an increase of insecurity issues. Usually you would get over it within the day, with the help of Kuroo, but recently he couldn't put a finger on what to compliment. Hell, he wouldn't even try. It almost looked like he was silently mocking you, as if you weren't good enough. He loved having you as company, that was his compliment. That was new. And it was utter bull crap. He always complimented your looks, today was no exception. But he, what? Refused to even come up with a cheesy compliment about your lips? And wait, did you hear that?


You had messaged Tetsuro that you were going home late, re-studying history for the project. He replies that you stay safe and he loves you and all that shit. You thought it was because he really cared, but the back of your mind was right. He was sweet talking you to cover up his sins.
"She's only a replacement when you're busy." The painful sentence unintentionally reached your ears, turning into a dagger and stabbing your heart.

"You're the only one I love." He mumbles, leaning to the girls lips for another heated kiss.

Hearing a shutter go off, Kuroo irately stopped and glared at the prick who was rude enough to picture a couple kissing. "(Y/n)??" He squints to see the familiar (h/c) girl with her phone up. She wipes her eyes and runs away, hoping he would catch up to her like in the movies. And, as cliche as it sounds, he stood up and caught up to her.

"Hey!" He runs up to you.

"Hey!" He runs up to you.

"Delete that!" He says in a flustered tone.

"Delete that!" He says in a flustered tone.

More tears roll down your face; what he did seemed so familiar. You stop and turned around, as well as he stopping to not bump into you. He was immediately acquainted with your hand, the stinging sensation hurting his heart than his skin. The force sent him on the floor, leaving him flabbergasted. "BUT I LIKED WHAT I SAW! I FUCKING LIKED IT!" You scream, remorse filled your heart at the thought of you saying the same words. "You come to me, huffing and looking like shit, looking like what you did was wrong, looking like you actually cared, ONLY TO TELL ME TO DELETE THE DAMNED PICTURE?!


"Y-you..." He mutters with bloodshot, guilty irises.

"Are just a replacement when she's busy, yeah?" You calm down, looking at him on the floor with tears slowly falling from your eyes. "You make me sick."

The next day, Mr. Hitler announced that the whole period of history was dedicated to the pair work.


(1) - it was a dream :)

(2) - I wanted school, especially the history subject, to be a bit less boring

my first attempt at angst after months of not writing anything
(I usually save it as a draft and upload later; I end up uploading later than expected)
Tell me if it sucked or not

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