xPart 1

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Tsk I am stuck in court again
"All rise! "
Everyone stood up
The judge walked in and sat down we all sat down
"Levi ackerme, it is said that you have drugs on you and threatened a cop how do you defence your self ?"
The doors slammed open a small child with big blue green eyes came running in
"Eren what did I tell you? Don't come in during a case! "
The judge got up and walked to the child he started to cry
"What happened Eren?"
"It's mommy!!!!"
"What? What happened to her? !"
"She hit me! " more Tears were running down his face by now
"Who gives a damn about how your mom hit you
You probably did something bad now! Go! "
"Daddy! !"he whined
"Go! just go have a seat! "
"..Ok"he said wiping away his tears and walking over to the seat behind me
"I am sorry for my
son "the judge said fixing his gown and sitting down
"Where was I? Oh yes ok so levi Ackerman same question as before how do you plea? "
"I know I did it but I have a reason "
"And your reason is? "
"The cop assaulted me "
"How did he? "
"He touched me in wrong places "
"And what about your possession of drugs? "
"I have drugs to keep my mind off of things "
"What are the things? "
"My father raped me when I was young I also have the scars "
"Well I count you guilty "
"Sir! "
"Let me Finnish! "
"Sorry sir "
"I will count you guilty and you will be jailed for seven years "
"Yes sir "
"Daddy when he gets out of jail can I marry this guy? "The brunette called out
"Eren you are eight years old now act like your age! Sorry case closed "he smacked his hammer against the brown wooden desk
Everyone got read my to go the cops handcuffed me and started to push me out the court room
"Wait Mr. !"the brunette called out
"Mr! Mr! ?"
"What now kid?" the hard asked the child
"Mr? What jail are you going to? "
"I don't know brat what makes you think that I know? "
"I am sorry "he sniffed
"Its ok I am sorry what is your name? "
"My name is Eren, Eren Jaeger "he smiled
"Cute name " Eren blushed
"Hey stop hitting on this child you pervert! "
"Tsk hey kid in seven years meet me back
here "
"Yes sir "he smiled his smile was so beautiful
I know a fifteen year old thinking an eight year old is cute but meh
"Ok promise me that ok? "
"I promise on my life "
"Here is a reminder "I said putting my handcuffed hands up to my neck and taking off my necklace and handing it to the child
"This is a pretty necklace sir "
"My name is levi call me that "
"Ok levi "
"Tell then "I winked
"Come on "
The grad said pushing me out

Seven painful years later

Prison was a pain
As expected but who cares I've met some people that are interesting

Now I am going to court again to meet a cute little kid named Eren why who knows

"Hello have you seen a um guy? " a teenager asked the desk lady
"A guy? "
"Yeah he is a guy that is short? "
"Tsk brat I am not short "
"Le-Levi! ?"Eren turned around and looked at me damn was he hot
"Hey Eren long time no see "

Hehehehebebebebehebebebebbeehheheehehbebeebeb you can hate me cliffhanger hehehehbbebebebebebebebebebbebebehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehheheheheheheheheehehehehe

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2016 ⏰

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