//chapter twenty-one//

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"Well then," Pete sighed, unable to hide his anger, even with such a hoarse voice, "fucking explain yourself."

Patrick had arrived at Pete's house, been let in by Mrs. Wentz, and made his way up to Pete's bedroom by himself. Pete hadn't exactly invited him over, so he wasn't surprised by how annoyed he was to see him. Patrick needed to explain what had happened, though. Of course he still cared about Pete, but somehow he didn't see it that way. He didn't know what had happened to Pete to make him so ill, but that didn't change his situation.

"My mom took my phone off me," Patrick explained, hoping that Pete would understand and forgive him for whatever he thought he'd done, "she heard us talking and got upset with me. She even called my dad, Pete. They said that I was their only son, and I couldn't be gay because I have to keep the family name going. My mom took my phone off me and said I could have it back in a week, if I admitted that it was just a phase--"
"You told your mom it was just a phase?" Pete asked, upset that Patrick could say that, even if it was just to get his phone back from his mom, "Don't I mean anything to you? How I am supposed to meet your mom now?"

Patrick didn't know, he couldn't introduce Pete as his boyfriend because he'd already told his mom that it was a silly teenage thing. He couldn't really tell his mom anything about Pete because she would ask questions. Then she'd find out that he was bi, and she'd probably start ranting about how men and women were supposed to be together. Patrick loved his mom, but she certainly wasn't making his life any easier.

Patrick was nearly so caught up in his own thoughts that he didn't notice how much Pete was coughing. He did notice, luckily, so he could prove to him that he did care. Patrick didn't like that Pete thought he hated him, because it was so far from the truth. Patrick couldn't say he loved Pete, but he liked him quite a lot. It was just a shame that Pete didn't see it, really. He didn't want him to be so stressed, and therefore cause himself illness like this, over him. He didn't know what to do.

"That doesn't matter. All that matters right now is that you're okay, Pete," Patrick said, trying to comfort Pete, whilst also trying to prove he cared, because he still didn't know if he believed him or not yet.
"I-- I..." Pete mumbled, trying to get his words out, but struggling because of his sore-throat, "I know. I was so worried about you. I really fucking missed you, too..."
Patrick smiled, "You need to get better, Pete. I'm going to go, now that we understand each other. I'm glad I saw you, though. Maybe I'll see you in school next week?"
"Maybe..." Pete said quietly, nodding slightly before rolling over in his bed and falling asleep.

It must have been hours later that Pete woke up, because it was much darker outside than it was when he fell asleep. He didn't know what it was, but he felt much better now. He almost couldn't believe that seeing Patrick really had made him feel so much better. Of course it did, though, that was the problem. Pete was so worried about Patrick that he became ill, so, now that he didn't have to worry about Patrick, he felt better. It all made sense, really. Pete went downstairs to tell his mom about how much better he felt, but he passed a clock and noticed it was 11pm, so he went back to bed.

After lying there for nearly half an hour, Pete decided that he probably didn't need any more sleep today. He picked up his phone and texted Patrick, to see if he was awake and up for a chat. He didn't expect him to be, but it would have been nice if he was. They could have a decent conversation now, after all. Pete was so glad that he'd made up with Patrick, he didn't know how he'd be feeling now if he hadn't.

The conversation began with a simple 'hey u up? :) x' as most tended to do. Pete didn't want to make it sound urgent, because if Patrick woke up to it then he might worry and feel bad. Pete left it like that, so Patrick could answer or not, and it would still be okay.

A few minutes later, Patrick replied with 'I guess so xoxo what's wrong?'. Pete was pretty happy with that, it meant that Patrick obviously did care, which made him feel even better. At this rate, Pete was certain he'd be able to go to school the day after tomorrow.

'I just woke up :( x I feel a lot better tho :) xx' Pete sent, hoping that Patrick wouldn't do the right thing and send him back to bed. Patrick seemed like the kind of person who would always know what the right thing to do was, and he would always do it. Pete just hoped he'd make an exception here.

As Pete had feared, Patrick replied with 'go back to sleep silly xoxo' which sounded quite final. It wasn't worth sending another message, since it was quite obvious that Patrick wouldn't answer it. In a way, it was for the best. He shouldn't have been staying up all night, because it really wasn't healthy. This was him doing the right thing now. Pete couldn't say he was used to that, but that wasn't something he could be all that proud of.

Pete's tired mind began to overthink everything, and he, somehow, found himself believing he was a terrible person. Rather than worrying, Pete rolled over and tired to get to sleep. Part of him wanted to confirm that he wasn't a bad person, by asking Patrick, but he didn't really need to. He knew he was fine, and this was just him being overtired. Of course Patrick was right, Pete just needed to get some sleep for once. He couldn't remember the last time he'd actually gotten a good night's sleep recently.

The next morning, Pete was woken up by his mom. He was pleasantly surprised by how not ill and tired he was feeling. He wasn't going to go to school today, but he knew that he'd be able to tomorrow. Like any normal teenager, Pete didn't want to be in school, but after over a week of not attending lessons and seeing everybody, part of him was beginning to miss it.

It was probably just the people. Pete had seen Patrick yesterday, but still missed him. It was almost pathetic, actually, because he hadn't even really known Patrick for that long. He was the best friend Pete had ever had for a long time, though, so of course he wasn't willing to let him go. He knew he'd have to eventually, they only had a few weeks left before Patrick left the school, and probably him as well, forever.

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