Eren X OC

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A/N Okay I don't know what happened


Eren looked at his pale friend, his very flat pale friend.

His friend was actually dating him, he called her Envy.

Many people think that Eren named her after he watched FMA, but no, it was an abbreviation for her full name.

But no one needs to know her name now.

That's for later.

Anyways Eren was staring at Envy, her skin completely white.

Eren sighed, "Ya know Envy, people think I'm insane because I talk to you."

Envy didn't respond, she never did.

"Envy please talk to me!"

She didn't move, she never did.

"Envy,.... Can I store my feeling inside you?"

Again there was no response.

"I take that as a yes."

Nodding, Eren picked up a pen and started writing on a paper.

Dear Envy,
I love you so much. You never talk but I know you love me. I know that because you have never left me. Yes you never move or anything like that but I know deep inside, you feel the same. But because everything is going wrong I have to say goodbye. We can't talk anymore. I still love you. I will see you soon though.

With love, forever and always,

You boyfriend Eren.

P.s. I promise this is not a breakup.

Eren sighed and looked at Envy once more, "Are you ready?"

Again there was nothing.

Eren picked up Envy a placed the folded up paper inside of her and licked her.

He closed the flap, and locked Envy inside a safe.

Yes that is right, Envy is indeed an envelope.

Eren crumpled to the floor and started sobbing

"Envy, I will love you, forever and always."


A/N XD. I was reading a fanfic and Eren licked an envelope and That_One_Ghoul commented, "Erenvlope, an Eren X Envelope fanfiction." And I had to make it XD.

So please thank Him/Her for this. (idk which, I'm sorry)

Okay the next one will be out next Sunday#


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