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Tears couldn't gather in Luna's eyes even if she tried. She can't think of a reason to cry anymore. Not for her mother, not for her father, not for herself. The emotion is stuck in her throat, trying to crawl out. The depth of how horrible humanity is sets in completely. She's been here for six hours. Rain slamming down on the streets, beating on the old bricks of the bridge. The water disturbed and angry looking. Maybe Mother Nature is tired of taking in the dead bodies of the fallen humans.

Dark water stares into her just as she stares at it. The wind howling around her; screaming, sobbing, wailing. Her clothes are soaked through. Her shoes abandoned at that house. She didn't want anything that they bought touching her body or around her presence. Her bloody feet feel the sting of cold unclean rain water. Her blood spinning in swirls in the pools around her. The only true color that seems to leave her.

The trees seem to beg her to get it over. The branches swaying and a hidden language between them so loud in her ears even through the storm. The lightning is dazzling as it streaks through the night sky. The clouds such a heavy black and dark grey. The thunder sets a rhythm with her struggling heart and hard pants. Tears don't leave her eyes but the rainfall feels like the earth is crying for her. Wailing loud and never ending.

Luna climbs over the railing easily. As she steadies herself she counts the thirty-fifth person drive right past. She doesn't want a hero to swoop in and tell her that life gets better. No, she just wanted to see if humanity was left in humans. She smiles bitterly into the dark abyss beneath her with a sorrowful joy. Of course no one would even spare a second glance.

Her pale feet glow in the darkness around her. Her small feet barely in the small space of bridge past the railing. Her grip on the metal bar gentle. The sheer cold burns into her fingers and palm. Soon it will be impossible to feel pain. The wind screams and the trees whisper so loud as she sways on the small piece of land. Her breaths soft. Then, she throws her delicate body off the edge. She feels gravity's hold on her. The wind silent to her hears for a second. Bliss coming to her. But then it stops and her ice blue eyes snap open.


A strong hand holds her wrist in its grasp. A man leans over the bridge panting. A cigarette clenched between tight lips. His glaze is spearing but his hand is so warm. Tattoos cover as much of him as Luna can see and piercings cover his face. He starts to lift her with strain painting his face. Luna takes in his muscles and heat. He presses her close to his hard body. His car parked in the middle of the street and honks blaring behind them. He carries her so close like she'll slip through his fingers and disappear into the water below. He flips off the cars behind them before he quickly places her in the back seat into the lap of a eye popping good looking woman. She holds Luna tightly and coos sweet words in her ears. Whispers she understands. Against her better judgement her eyes flutter closed in her arms, in her warmth, her comfort.

"Thank god I spotted her!"

The woman nods her head and rubs circles into Luna's back.

"She's safe now."

She presses a gently kiss to the top of her little head. The child couldn't be more than nine years old. What type of pain could someone this young be in?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2017 ⏰

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