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(Above is what I thought my theriotype was)
Today I was trying to learn what Therian animal I was. I use to think I was a lion but I was really confused, I would always feel more connected to a wolf rather then a lion. (I thought I was a lion a year ago..)

I then thought about a fox, so I started to search up stuff about foxes. While searching different information about them, I wanted to look up the different types of foxes.

So, I looked up the different types of foxes there were and scrolled through the list, which by the way, had pictures of them above the names.

While I scrolled through, I saw a Arctic fox and a Pampa's fox. I went back to the Arctic fox because I thought I felt closer to it but I didn't.

I thought my conscious was telling me to go back to the Pampa's fox, so I did.

Later on, I felt like going outside and running around, but I couldn't though since I wasn't allowed to.

Instead I meditated, I laid down relaxing. Soon enough, I saw myself in a forest and thought I saw the fox I was looking at before online.

I asked it if it was my theriotype and it somehow said yes to me.
I was still confused over it all still, I didn't really know if it was a fox. It was a similar color though.

I still didn't feel connected to it..

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