Chapter 1: Still here

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I walked home from a prison named 'School'. My backpack filled to the brim with useless information and school-work. Right now, I just wanted to be alone. You see, I'm what the kids label a 'nerd', 'geek', or the more known title; a 'nobody'. I'm in high school and I'm not exactly the smartest. I'm barely passing Gym and that's just a Gimme class! But, that's because I'm not into Physical Fitness. Anyways, the princesses of the town decided it would be a good idea to make my miserable morning even worse. They called me the same old names and pushed me around like a rag doll. Something that was oh so common there.
After multiple times telling them to "stop" and "get a better joke", I snapped and finally lashed out at this behemoth of a chick. I grabbed her by the strawberry blond curls and almost broke her ribs. Obviously, trying to act tough in front of her clique, she got up and punched me in the face. Her actions bent on anger. I flinched and kicked the girl off of me before grabbing my bag and running. I know that's not the ideal thing to do, but, what was I gonna do? Sit there and let her wail on me?
I skipped a few classes in order to avoid the girls which ended me up in the principles office with the principle calling my parents and giving me a lecture on why I should've told the school. I didn't believe him. The school didn't do anything when I told them a boy put his hand down my pants in math class. So, I got sent home for Out of School Suspension and I honestly wasn't surprised. They punish the prey before dealing with the predator. I didn't care at all. Most people hated me and loved seeing my agony. I hated school. Any level or form of it. There will ALWAYS be those people who want to toss you around.
Hey Pixels! Long time no see! I took a break to get somewhat decent at my writing but I don't know if it's changed. *shrug* we'll just have to see.

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