Chapter 1

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I was laying in my bed, watching The Mindy Project while I was waiting for my girlfriend to arrive. I stuck my hand into the bottom of bag of gummy Life-Savers. As the name implies, these were my life-savers.

My phone pinged signaling a text. It could only be my girlfriend. I picked up the phone and my eyes scanned across the screen. I quickly replied telling her the key was under the mat, where it always was.

I returned to watching my show and sunk a bit deeper into my bed. I heard the front door open and close, soon after I heard someone coming up the stairs. She came into view a few seconds later, and plopped down on my bed.

My face instantly got hot. I never got tired of the feeling she gave me. She laid her head on my stomach and I instantly started to run my fingers through her hair, almost as if it was natural. I enjoyed spending time with her.

"Wassup, bobble head?" Grayson asked as she dug her hands into my bag of candy.

I popped her hands and mushed her head. She was always eating my food. "My head isn't even big and quit eating my food."

Grayson rolled over with one side of her face resting on my stomach. I grabbed the remote and turned the TV off. I ran my fingers through her hair. "Remember the first time we met?" I spoke softly.

I could feel her head nod against my stomach, "Yeah. I remember it like it was yesterday. You were dancing your little butt off." I laughed and shook my head. Grayson and I met a year and three months ago at a party.

"Oh whatever! I wasn't expecting you to pull me aside though."

Gray sat up and looked at me, "Why not?" I shrugged my shoulders. I never thought Grayson would actually be interested in me. I guess I never saw myself as her "ideal type of girl".

She grabbed my hands and started playing with my fingers. This made my heart do summersaults in my chest. The littlest and the simplest things she did made me smile. "You do know," she said. I smiled and shook my head again. Grayson tackled me, causing me to fall back and she laid on top of me.

I could feel her heart beating against mine. I had to admit, that was the best feeling ever. I looked at it as if she was feeling the same thing I was feeling at that moment. We laid there in a comfortable silence as I played in her hair. "You know what I love about you the most?" Grayson asked.

I thought to myself for awhile. I didn't have a favorite about Grayson. I loved everything about her, down to the very last detail. We've grown with each other so much over the past year. We've had our ups and downs but no couple is perfect.

"Hmm, I don't. Tell me." Grayson's chest rose and fell as she spoke. I was enchanted, it was almost as she had a spell on me. "I love the way you're natural with me. In every aspect. You never have to fake your feelings for me, I can see it all over your face."

I'm sure by now my face was crimson. I loved I'm the way she made me smile, a feeling I've never felt before. "It's such a natural feeling for me to love you." Grayson's head hung low, but I knew she was smiling. I brought her hands up to my lips and kissed the back of them.

I grabbed the remote and selected YouTube from the list of channels. I couldn't describe in words the love I felt for Gray, but this song sure put it into perspective. I typed in the song that played the night I met Grayson and danced with her. I got up and grabbed her hand and pulled her up with me. My body fit perfectly into hers, like a glove.

Grayson was a bit taller than me, which gave me leverage to lay my head on her shoulder. Her arm wrapped around my waist. My arms snaked around her neck and our bodies swayed against each others. Grayson spun me out of her arms and pulled me back into her. My back was facing her front as I swayed against her hips.

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