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Picture of Sam's brothers ;)

Chapter 4- School School !

BANG BANG BANG Someone was knocking the door. I was getting up but Jacob ran before me, where as I could barely walk. It was dad "dad!" We all yelled. "Sorry guys, but you gotta go to school right?" asked dad hopefully.

"Okay, but Sam has to go first as she is a girl and..." I cut him off in the middle " hahaha everyone knows I am way faster that you," I challenged. "Game on sissy" he yelled. Jake ran with his stuff but I couldn't find my clothes bag luckily I have my essentials bag so I borrowed cloths from George. He gave me a white sleeveless shirt with a black skull printed on it he also gave me his black leather jeans and black sneakers. I thanked him and rushed off.

I quickly brushed my teeth. Took a quick shower. Then I wore George's clothes which fit me perfectly. I brushed my hair, then I ran down stairs to the kitchen Jake was no where to be found "yay ! I am first" I yelled happily. Jake came running down " how did you find your clothes?"he asked. "Oh! You jellyfish you are so mean," I yelled. "Jellyfish really " he started laughing. He then gave me the lip balm which I tossed at him yesterday. I went and threw it in the bin "must have costed a ton but it is her fault to gift me such garbage" I thought to myself.

Dave was the only one who bothered to get a driving license so only he is allowed to give us a ride to school. I sat next to Dave so, he asked me "isn't this school supposed to have uniform?" "Yes, you dumbo but today is no uniform day," I scolded.

We finally reached, after 20 minutes of drive. When we jumped off  all the eyes were on us.One random girl came and greeted us "hey guys! I am guessing you are new here, am I right?" "Um yes I am Sam and these are my brothers, nice to meet you" I said. "Oh yeah, I forgot to introduce myself I am Stacey, nice to meet you too!"Stacey replied. Man she is so confident I thought.

"Let me show you the office room, Sam I will wait for you" she said and lead us to the office room. "Thanks I appreciate it a lot " I thanked her and went in.

"Hello boys, I am Miss. Pots," she said. "Hello, nice to meet you" we replied. "So you are 30 minutes early, we can begin introduction but I was expecting 4 boys and one girl ?" She said. I wish I didn't wear my beanie today it is covering all my hair but do I really look like a boy. "Someone needs glasses" Dave mumbled. "I am Samantha," I said taking my beanie off. "I am Dave, these are my brothers Jake, George and Jacob," Dave explained while pointing at each of them.

She then gave us our timetables and school maps. After we came out my brothers disappeared and I found Stacey with two other girls. All three of them were very pretty. "Hi Stacey thanks for waiting for me," I said. "Hello I am Darcy and this is Kate," Darcy replied. "Hello I am Sam" I replied.

I found out that most of my classes match with Kate. RING RING RING The bell rang and Kate dragged me to my first class. "Hello Miss King please introduce your self please," my new teacher asked. "Yes sir, hello everyone I am Samantha but you could call me ..." "Call you what sammy dammy how about that huh?" Some rude boy asked. "I was going to say Sam but I guess sammy works too, thank you," I said as I didn't want to look like a coward cause I am not. I went back and sat next to Kate. " what a rude boy" I said to Kate. "Your talking about Cole" she said to me.

I realised Cole is in all my classes but Kate is not in one of them and unfortunately I had to sit in front of him and he kept on staring at me. Eventually it was lunch break and I saw Darcy and Stacy with three other boys. Kate led me to the table. "So this is Samantha," one of the boys asked. "Please call me Sam," I said. "Hi I am Max, I heard you have 4 brothers,"Max said. "Wow, sorry I am Liam, but I guess they have a influence on you" he joked while looking at me from head to toe. "I am Mike, nice to meet to Sam" he said. I suddenly saw Cole coming towards us. "Wait why is he coming to your table" I asked. "First of all it is our table and second he sits with us why?" Stacy asked. "Kate why didn't you tell me this in the first place," I asked crossly. Oh no he was coming closer and closer and then he yells "yo, sammy how are you" he yells. Oh god what should I do where should I hide.

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