Chapter 3

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*Lydia's POV*

I sat down at the food filled table right next to Pansy. I finally found out the two body guards names, well at least their last names. Crabbe and Goyle were already stuffing their faces with food. A small Ravenclaw girl came over to our table and asked all around:
    "Do you know who Lydia Small is?"
I quickly rushed over to the girl.
   "I'm Lydia Small. What do you need?"
        "I have a letter from Professor Dumbledore," she whispered. I sat down and opened the letter.

        Dear Ms. Small,
I would like to ask you to meet me at my office for a little chat. My office is right at the stone gargoyle just use the password "butterbeer" and you should find your way from there.
            Best wishes~ Dumbledore

        "Well what is it?" Pansy asked impatiently.
         "I-uh have to go to the Professor Dumbledore's office," I said a little shaky.
     "Wow, first year at Hogwarts and already getting in trouble," Draco said with a smirk. Pansy seemed have kicked him because he looked like he was in pain.
       "When do you have to go?"
       "Um now I think," I said still confused. I left the table and tried finding my way to the stone gargoyle. After about ten minutes I finally found it. "Butterbeer" I said hoping it would open. Soon the gargoyle lifted and revealed a staircase. Once I got to the big wooden doors I stopped.
"Come on, you can do this Lydia," I whispered. After my little pep talk I finally knocked on the door.
"Come in," said the booming voice of Dumbledore. The room was beautiful. Filled with paintings and books and magical artifacts.
"I hope you enjoy my office," he said with a smirk.
"It's amazing, sir," I said still trying to take in the room.
"Come sit down please,". I sat down hesitantly.
"Now, Ms.Small, I want to talk about you today. I have come to the conclusion that you are not who you say you are," Oh no, did he know.
"I'm afraid I don't know what your talking about professor," I explained.
"Now, now there is no need for lies and actually I can help you figure out why you are who you are," Dumbledore said still smiling. "So, let's start out with your name, what is it?" Dumbledore asked.
"Lydia Small," I said hoping he didn't know.
"Your real name," he added raising an eyebrow. I sighed.
"Lydia Potter,"
"Ah, there we go now I'm guessing you want an explanation on why," I nodded.
"Well, when Lord Voldemort attacked the Potters, everyone thinks it was just Harry who was attacked. There were twins, and Voldemort hit the first twin with the killing curse, she immediately disappeared. This caused everyone to believe she was dead. Then that is when Voldemort struck Harry with the curse and he survived,"
"Professor, are you saying I'm that twin?"
"Yes, yes I am," he said.
"Then why do I look nothing like him?"
"Well you both have your mothers eyes, I have put together that the dark magic well, turned your hair blonde,"
"When I disappeared, I reappeared at Joseph Small's house?"
"Indeed, and I figure you found out about your name from the wristband?"
"Yes, sir but were my parents not able to tell the difference between us after one year since I still had the wristband?"
"No,no,no, you just refused to take it off," he said laughing.
"Now you have got to head off to Professor Hagrid's class, great talking to you Ms.Small," he said an winked.
I smiled and left through the door. I wonder if anyone else knows. Soon I was walking to Hagrid's hut. I stood behind the Slytherins hoping nobody would notice I was gone.
           "Lydia, where have you been?" Pansy said worriedly.
           "At Professor Dumbledore's, I thought I told you that,"
         "You did but I didn't think it would take that long," she said.
         "So Small, how much trouble are you in?" The snooty voice of Draco Malfoy appeared. I looked behind me and there he was with the same evil smirk and his beautiful blue-silver eyes, what am I saying.
          "None of your business,"
        "Well from your attitude, you seem to be in a lot," he said.
         "Just shut it," I responded. Class was over, I walked up to the castle to finish the rest of the day.

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