The Propsal

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No One's POV:

She tugged and pulled on the rope that hung loosely on the horses neck begging for it to co-oporate. "Please Blu? Why are you making things difficult?" She asked still tugging on the rope while the horse remained standing strong. Lacey groaned before throwing the rope down. "Fine don't listen to me. You just won't get the apples I'm hiding." She said turning her back to the horse and crossing her arms. Before she knew it the horse was by her side pushing the Princess with his nose and the Princess turned happily.

"Okay, I'm not mad but you must hurry up or the Prince will leave." She said. She hadn't wanted to actually see the Prince, but she was not so rude as to completely ignore his invitation to the Meadow Gardens. She was much more kind than that and not even the most dreadful of a man to her could make her skip a set date. She walked along near the creek as she fed the horse a apple that had been sitting in her bag on the horse. 

Soon the small opening came into view and Lacey could see the Prince Donald kneeling down and touching his fingers to the stream smiling lightly. Princess Lacey saw him and instantly her palms grew slightly sweaty. She turned around to face Blu making sure she wasn't visible before whispering. "Blu, I'm scared. What if hes having a moment or he accidentally said my name when he really wanted to say Apple's or Summer's?" She asked brushing down the horses hair gently with her hand. 

The horse simply gestured its head towards the Prince as Lacey looked at her with nervous eyes. The Princess took a glace at the horse that was standing near the Prince, who was still smiling at the water. "You think I should still go?" She asked the horse. She loved Blu, Blu was the only person/horse she could tell the world too. The horse simply Neighed getting the Prince's attention to look at the horse while as Princess Lacey was still blocked by the tree. Lacey knew Blu wanted her to stop being nervous but she felt her palm get slightly sweaty as she hesitated to leave from the protection of her little hiding. 

"Princess Lacey? Is that you?" The Prince asked walking to get a better view. He saw her and instantly he smiled a little wider. She stood shaking a little before Blu pushed her slightly with her nose. "I-I got y-your message." The Princess said as she stepped a little closer to the Prince. She had no idea why she was feeling so weird. She surly hadn't have a crush on him. She found him annoying, a dreadful being he was to her! She gulped hard as he chuckled a little. "I can see that." He said making Lacey play with her fingers. 

She had never really been alone with the Prince. She always had at least Madame Deluce with them or Summer or Apple would be with them. And the closet they were to being alone was when the Princess was looking out her window as the Prince rode his horse under it. But never have they had a true alone experience. "So I invited you here because I wanted to ask you something and I wanted it to be special." He said and she nodded before watching him as he knelt down on one knee. She was questionable to see him in such a weird stance to talk. 

"I wanted to ask you this for a while." He said clearing his throat before grabbing her right hand in his two. He grinned lightly when he felt her palm shaking. "Princess Lacey. Oh dear Princess. It almost a crime how you stole my heart." He started. "How you steal my breath everytime I see that beautiful smile of yours and how you make me practice what I should say the night before so I don't mess up infront of you." She could feel her heart thumping on her chest. If her heart beat any louder she woulding be able to hear his voice. 

"You are the most magnificent gal I've ever met and I don't know how my life would be without you. And I know that you have a slight dislike towards me but I'm hoping that you could possibly look over that as say yes to my proposal." He said and she felt the thuds of her heart. She couldn't take it anymore, she needed to be away from him. Far away. She snatched her hand back and pulled up her gown before running to Blu. She felt like crying she felt like tears were gonna spur from her eyes any second. Marry him!? She couldn't believe her ears. Surly she hadn't thought he would call her there to marry her! 

She couldn't marry him! Just absolutely couldn't! He was the sum of everything she despised! She sat on top of Blu before the horse started to run off. The Prince couldn't even believe what had happened. He stood in the same position before looking her way. Men don't cry. He told his self. He didn't believe his eye when he saw her riding away on the steed. He wanted to chase, to follow but he knew she had a reason to run. And he didn't want to get her aggravated and say no. Which she practically already said. He stood up wiping the single tear that strolled down his cheek before getting on his horse. 

She needs time.

♦ Princess Lacey, Oh Princess ♦

She ate a meal with her father only. He smiled at her until he noticed the far away look in her eye. She clearly wasn't thinking of their time together. He had only gotten home a day ago and she has been distant since she got back from a meeting with the Prince. He cleared his throat getting her attention before speaking. "What did the two of you talk about?" He asked and she took a sip of her water before looking at the plate like it was of some interest to her. She swallowed hard before answering to her father. "He asked for my hand in marriage." She said and her father smile extended greatly. 

"Thats great!" His voice boomed as he stood. She looked up at him. "W shall have a beutiful wedding for you two! You will remember it for all your days!" He said and with everyword Lacey felt as if she had shrunk. She hadn't said yes or no to the Prince yet. Now her father was cheering about it? She didn't even kow if she could approach the Prince after she ran. She was scared then and shes scared now. How would he assume such a horrid thing as her and Prince Donald acually loving eachother!? She though. She wasn't mad at her father but she felt a little disappointed in herself. She hadn't seen him that happy since mother died and now he doesn't even know the truth. 

She felt as if she wasn't doing her part. She had to say yes now. Her father kept talking about the wedding as she sat there thinking how she could possibly approach the Prince without making it akward. And the awnser was simple: 

There is no way. 

But she had to try. For her fathers sake.  

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