Two Days Later

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Andy's POV

So me and juliet are going on holiday ad becky is going to london to do her story for people and me and juliet are so proud of her because she is so strong in our eyes but i hope she is ok in london but i still not talking to ashley because it has only two days later after he break up with becky but i do not the guys who hit a woman because it is wrong but ashley is still in the band but i do not talk to him no more.

Becky's POV

So it only been two days after my break up with ashley but i am going to london on my own but i have get tickets to see bring me the horizon so i can meet my other friend hannah Sykes  who is oil's wife but me and hannah has been friends for a long time and she knows that i am angel  and so does oil  knows that i am angle too and juliet and andy is going to on holiday so i am going to london to tell people my story but then i am going to meet up with hannah later so i grab my bags and go downstairs to give andy and juliet a hug and andy is taking me to the airport as we get there i get out the car and waves goodbye to andy and i go into the airport and i get tickets and i get on the plane to london.

Juliet's POV

So becky in on her way to london and me and andy are packing our bags because we are going on holiday because we need a holiday because there is a lot going on with andy and ashley  because of what ashley did to becky so i am taking andy on holiday because he is stressed out so he needs to calm down so i take the bags down and put them in the car and sit in the car and andy jumps in the car and drives to the airport then packs the car and we get in the airport so we get on the plane.

Becky's POV

I was on the plane on my way to london and i was texting hannah "hi hannah it becky i am on my own to london i am still allowed to come see you because i have missed you so much sorry i did not text you before because there is a lot going on right now but i'm coming to london because i have tickets to bring me the horizon i will see you in london love becky xxx" so i sit back and closes my eyes because it is a long trip to london.

Hannah's POV

I just get a text from becky so i read it and i text her back "hi becky i'm so glad you are coming to london so i can finally see you because i have fucking missed you so much but i cant wait to see you because it been a long time and oil is happy to know that you are coming to see us but i hope you are ok but please tell me when you are landing in london love hannah and oil xx"omg finally i get to see my old friend becky who i have not seen in a long time but she did mine and oil's wedding but she is coming over to london.

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