Chapter 1

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//: quick authors note. Now I know this story was already published on @chatsbooti which was my previous account however it was hacked and deleted. Luckily, I managed to find the story I wrote and tweaked it a bit
~ Tae 🌟
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"I guess the tables have turned huh, ma petite..." Ocean blue eyes widened in shock. 'No this can't be happening!' The hero thought as the once loyal but ever so cocky cat launched towards her. Chat Noir's once warm green cat-like eyes were now ice cold. No expression held within them apart from pure, undiluted hatred. His suit, which was as black as the night sky, was now the purest white. Almost mocking Ladybug. Her hair covered her face like a raven hurricane as she quickly dodged Chat's attack.
"K-kitty! What h-happened!" She exclaimed. Glistening tears ran down her face like lost thoughts as she scaled the buildings, trying to find somewhere where the pair wouldn't cause much damage.
"Don't act like you don't know." He sniggered, his voice hard and flat. No sound of the usual teasing that the Ladybug would normally have to endure when the pair fought other villains. No. Nothing like that at all.

"Chat Noir! This is not a game! Tell me what's happened? What have I done?" She practically screamed. Her need of finding out what Hawkmoth had used as a way to destroy the friendship between the masked teen superheroes was destroying her from the inside out. The spotted yoyo that was always attached to her hip , was now searching for new areas to cling to. New areas that would increase the distance between Ladybug and the akumatised kitty. However, Chat Noirs' attacks became more précised and dangerous. And with every added metre between the pair, the more risky it became for her.

"It's Chat Blanc now." He purred. Voice more frozen than a villains heart. Void of any emotion apart from disgust. Ladybug started running frantically across the rooftops. Her mind was working on overdrive. Constantly thinking about where to go. Where to hide. Where the akuma was. Oh yeah she needed to find that akuma is she wanted to see her best friend again.

Ladybugs heart raced a mile a minute as she tried to dodge any and every one of Chat's attacks. Which was becoming harder and harder to do every time. He knew why she was stalling to fight. And despite her own interests, Ladybug knew the reason too. She couldn't stand the thought of anyone harming her precious cat. Let alone herself.

She nearly fainted as she landed on the roof of a hotel.

Physically she was aching. Her outfit in shreds. Cuts and bruises scattered all across her pale skin, her skin a canvas of pain. An image of pure agony. Her vision blurred slightly as she turned round. Clinging to herself, hoping she might be able to force herself to stand upright. Blood dripped towards the floor from several wounds on her face and neck. Mentally, Ladybug was near giving up. The betrayal of her partner and friend was devastating. Her heart was breaking ever so greatly.

Chat Blanc felt a brief pang of guilt as he caught sight of his once dear bugaboo. However that was soon conquered by anger. How dare she act as if she was terribly injured. How dare she act like she didn't know what happened to him. It was all her fault anyway. He loves her. No. Loved her. He didn't feel that for her anymore. Nope. Not. At. All. All he wanted was her identity and sweet revenge. He desired to make her feel is heartache most. No he craved that most. Because of Ladybug his heart was post. Broken. Shattered. She played along when she likes someone else. No she lived someone else. Someone that wasn't him. Never be him. He couldn't stand it.

A deep growl resonated from his throat at this thought. A growl fierce enough to make Ladybug wince. Her blue eyes were filled with fright once more. She felt herself falling apart beneath his hateful gaze.
"L-look kitty, p-please tell m-me what I've d-done." Dread and fear filled her voice as she waited. Eyes drooping as every inch of strength left her being. The setting sun made Chat Blanc glow like an angel. An angel of disgust and hatred. A demon. The opposite of everything Marinette had ever thought he was.
"I cant believe you"re really that stupid!"
He laughed
"I don't know what I ever saw in you." He stepped towards her slowly, taking brief pauses to add to Ladybugs increasing anxiety.
"Well, first of all, I declare my undying devotion to you. Only for you to completely brush me aside."
He stepped closer...
"Then while I try to tell you of my love once more. You silence me to daydream over some model that will probably never look at you, let alone know you exist."
Closer again.
"Everyone loves you. Your the star are you not? I'm the pet that's forever stuck in your shadow."
Closer once more.
"Chat! I-I didn't k-know. I'm sorry. Really I am." Ladybug whispered. Her voice breaking along with her very soul.
"Hah! As if you care."
The pair were stood face to face. Well, to be more precise. Chest to face. Ladybugs jagged breaths could be heard as cold winds surround them both.
Ladybug finally lost as she collapsed against Chats white leather chest. She felt his warm breath against her ear. She hugged him in a desperate act yo make him see the truth.
"Chat please listen to me. I truly am sorry." She begged and begged. Tears staining the chest in front of her. Her being pouring out in her words. Only for Chat to snigger.
"You know, I've always wondered what my Cataclysm would do to a human."
Before she had time to register what he had just said, a white clawed hand was placed on her chest. Exactly over the place where her heart took its last beats before she fell in a huddled pile on the concrete floor.
"Goodbye..." Was the last thing she heard before darkness consumed her...
A whisper floated in the harsh winds that fluttered against Chats body.
"Chat Noir... I love you too..."

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