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The sound of water drowned out everything in Aria's mind. She had been shut out by the one person that loved her and she felt all alone. Looking up, tears poured down her cheeks. The mirror glistened and showed a perfect replica of her sorrow. She grabbed the closest object and threw it at the mirror, jealous of it's perfection. 

The mirror shattered into thousands of pieces and something thudded next to her. Looking down, she saw a pen skidding across the floor. Her shoulders sagged and she fell to her knees. 

What had she done? Why had it mattered so much to her that Janelle was trying to keep her safe? She picked up the pen next to her, her mind suddenly filling with curiosity. She stood up and grabbed a piece of paper, wondering what to write. Steadying her pen on the paper she wrote. I wish it could be easy, I wish I knew who I was...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2017 ⏰

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