Chapter 2

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That Night, I went to sleep. I woke up to the sound of my annoying alarm.




I took my hand out of the comfortable covers and slapped the snooze button. I sleepy got out of the bed and rubbed my head. My hair was in a mess, all over the place. I went and took a quick shower and got dressed in a black army tank-top, ripped jeans, camo jacket and Combat boots. I slid down the Stair well and grabbed some water from the kitchen fridge. I plopped down on the couch without a care for a good two hours watching anime, until, the door rang.

 I plopped down on the couch without a care for a good two hours watching anime, until, the door rang

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I got up to answer it. It was Travis. He smiled as I answered the door. He was also carrying a skateboard.

Travis: Hey Y/n! What are you doing?

Y: Um.. hey Travis. I'm just watching anime. What are you doing here"

Travis: Oh I came to see you! Also I wanted to know if u wanted to go to the arcade and then come back to my place?

Y: Yea sure! I love Video Games!

Travis: Also do u have a skateboard?

Y: Of course I Do!

Travis: Ok! Go grab it! We can get there by them.

You went upstairs to your room and grabbed your stakeboard. 

You got back downstairs with your skateboard in hand

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You got back downstairs with your skateboard in hand. You went to the doorway and walked out and locked the door.

Travis: Have you ever rode a skateboard before?

Y: Of course I have! I ride it all the time!

Travis: Cool! I do as well!

You put your skateboard on the ground, hopped on and followed Travis to the Arcade.

Time Skip To the Arcade because I'm literally just that Lazy. 

Once we were at the arcade, Travis paided for our tickets and we went to play games.

Travis: so.. what games do u like to play?

Y: Zambie games. Their so scary that I honestly laugh.

Travis: Cool! Wanna play a racing game?

Y: Sure! As long as you don't kick me off of the road.

Travis smiles. I can tell though that he will do it.

After The Racing game 


Travis begins to laugh really hard. He almost falls over.

Y: You suck.

Travis: Awww.....

Y: ;-; Don't make me feel bad.

Travis begins to cry but it was fake. You feel bad and start to hug him. He then looks into your eyes and Kisses you. When your lips meet, your eyes were wide, but, you slowly melted into the kiss. When you both parted, he took your hand and led you out of the arcade with your skateboard and his in hand.

Travis: Y/n... I really like you.. and I know we just met yesterday.. but I truly love you.. I don't expect you to return those feelings.. but this is just to let you know..

Y: um.. same thing here honestly.. I kind of like you....

Travis: r-really?

Y: um.. yea..

Travis: well.. I have a X-Box at my place if u wanna go play and hangout there.

Y: Yea sure! 

You both hop on your skateboards and skate to his house. Travis shares a house with Garroth, Laurence and Dante. Travis's room is in the basement so no one will really bother us. Once were there, he opens the door and lets me walk in first.

Travis: My room is this way. Follow Me!

Y: ok!

When you enter his room, Your eye's wide. It was a really cool dark green room with loads of video games and things that you like. Travis turns on the X-Box and pops in call of duty. He hands you the remote and plops down on the bed.

Travis: Come here and sit on the bed. We can take turns since I only have one controller.

Y: you sure? You can go first if you want.

Travis: Naw its ok. Ill just control it with you. 

Y: 0-o how are you gonna do that?

Travis: Oh well I put my hands over yours on the controller and then I take over. Like cuddling~

You facepalm but decide to do it anyway. You get in between his knees and he slowly wraps his hands around yours on the controller. He rests his chin on the top of your head. 

Travis: I love you Y/n.

Y: I love you too..

Travis kisses your forehead but as he does The guys walk in.



You Elbow him in the gut.

Travis Cups his gut where you elbowed him. Travis: owww... why.... why y/n why..

The Guys walk out of the basement with weird ed out faces. 

Travis grabs your waist and pulls you forward and makes you facing him on the bed.

IM SO SORRY I HAVE TO LEAVE IT THERE GUYS ;-; I'm forced to go to bed ;-; please.. save... me...

Ill Cya tomorrow ;-;

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2016 ⏰

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