The appearance

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I woke with a start, like a gentle sledgehammer hitting me in the face.
"Get up you dummyface!"
My sister wouldn't stop yelling at me. She always woke me up like this, and I got used to it. I actually started liking her waking me up like this, it made sure I got up and got to school on time.
"I'm getting up! I'm getting up!"
I yelled right back at her. We weren't being mean, but to other people it might've looked like that. We were playing around.
"I'm heading off to school!"
Her school started earlier than mine, so she would always wake me up when she was leaving. Our parents both went to work before either of us woke up. My sister left.
I took off my pajama bottoms, sliding them off as smoothly as a paper getting dropped into a sheet protector without getting stuck and having to forced down into the protector, and started to get jeans out of my drawer, when I noticed something odd about the pair I usually wore.
They were gone. That's when I heard it.
"Hey baby."
I spun around to see my jeans standing up on their own, but still flexible (somehow he did this I'm no physicist lol). He had eyes, ears, a nose, and a mouth. I tried to scream but couldn't get anything out. All I did was gasp for air.
"Don't worry baby," he said, biting his denim lip,
"I won't hurt you."
I don't know how, but he seemed attractive. The soft denim, the shining button, the perfectly shaped pockets. Yes, he was very attractive.
"Hi," I managed to get out.
He flashed a gleaming smile, like a shiny Toyota fresh out of the car wash.
"We have a lot of catching up to do."

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2016 ⏰

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