Highschool scene1

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I was in my normal mood and in my casual wears of college holding my books looking for Mannie and katty . there you girls I was searching for you guys everywhere I said to them in aggressive tone . why what happened ?? Asked katty have you again had a nightmare ?? Asked katty again in smirking voice . heyeee hussshhh babyeee mind what are you saying said Mannie like classic lover . ohh you girls are impossible said I furiously .
I know they think that whatever I say is a kind of mystery dream that I once told them I think that was biggest mistake I should not  have told them . that was once when I actually believed in my dream and feared that it might become true so to relax myself I told it to them .....and see result of it ..they think it funny and also add to my name A Dreamy Waesly ... ... Seriously! That hurts when your so called ' only friends ' make fun of your emotions ... That really hurts man .
Well but I'm addicted to their never never-ending jokes and pranks .

Hey you girls I ummm I'm gonna go check if Mr Vincent is still in the class ...I have to ask him about some assignment questions ...so see you in a moment ....said I abruptly completing my sentence ...not intending to answer their question ...I directly headed to Mr Vincent's class.
Why she's like this ??? Asked Mannie
I dunno know dude said Katty shaking her shoulder .
Do we really annoy her ?? Or she just ...?? Asked Mannie again ..breaking her chips into two
Uhhhmmm I just think that she needs someone ...what you think Mann..?? Said Katty looking at her a bit confused.
May be you are right after all she's a girl ...said Mannie laughing loudly with katty .
If it's not like the movies than this is how it should be repeating the lyrics of Katty Perry's song ' not like the movies' ...in my mind I don't know when I started singing the song not out loud but like a bee humming ..I don't even realised that I'm already in Mr Vincent's class and he's with some boy
When I entered without noticing and realising that I already in and humming a song with headphones on ..
I got noticed by Mr Vincent ...not good for me actually
Hey miss ...need something ?? Said he a bit loudly ..he might actually have  realised that I have unconsciously entered in his class .....
Well really he was right I wasn't intended to come to him I just told lie to my friends just to get rid of their weird questions and jokes on it .
Sirrrr I ummmh I ahh ... I said like I'd a hammering problem form childhood .... not a single word was coming in my mind at that point of time  to utter I was all blank .
Yes miss your saying something ??? He asked again .
Nohhh ..yeah .... I mean I think I should come after you finish with him ....might be something serious goin' on .....said I the silliest thing I can ever come up with was this ....seriously .
He stared me for a second and than turned to the boy ..
The boy aanhaaa ohhhh jees ...this wasn't some boy but the one I like ..
Ohhhh my God my crush standing right there front of me ..well yeah doesn't matter if he's not looking at me ...at least I got the chance to see him closely .....this is what I count as a successful day ...but as I can't stare him in front of Mr Vincent I decided to wait out side the class at least I'll get a second chance to see him when he will walk to the door ..not be able to stare him would be minimized than ..I said to myself and headed to the the door when Mr Vincent called me again .
Miss I think I should hear you ... So??? He alluded me to say why I'm here ..and here I'm blank again see ...
I'm blank in front of my crush ...what he will think of me ...no m not gonna let him down ...
Actually sir I wanna talk about the last lesson ..... Finally I said something with a breath of relief .
....why what happened to the last lesson ....he asked surprisingly
Well sir I want to understand it better as I find some difficulty in getting the chapter ....I'm making assignment on it so ... I thought should probably come and ask your help said I hesitantly because I knew everything about that English lesson that he thought us in the last class ...
Ohhh so this is your problem ... Hmmm let me think for a solution ... Said he and moved towards my crush
Tim ... I think you've got the same problem you have failed your last test and you haven't given any retest ....and i guess you haven't have any idea of the this week's assignment right said he to Tim
Now this time he made a few seconds eye contact to me and looked at Mr Vincent ..I can see that he's utterly blank like I was fees minutes before
That's a embarrassing moment I thought to myself
Tim doesn't respond to Mr Vincent's questions
Hmmm so look I'm gonna give you another chance ... Group with this Miss alluding me and prepare for assignment ....and please no excuses I'll accept okay ?
And one more thing I'm taking this whole week off so you guys have to do it own your own with your own understanding ...said he like a boss.
I don't know what's going on but I knew that this means a good time for me yay .....I thought .
Now go and see said Mr Vincent .
So we left him in the room alone and came out of the room .
I thought that he will talk to me about the assignment and something but to my surprise he went straight out of the corridor and because invisible to my sights ....
That's rude I told to my self well he might be in hurry I thought and went to take the last class .

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