ii // chapter two.

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              a/n: i have that song by drake stuck in my head. hold on, we're going home. can i just say it's fucking awesome, and like every human should listen to it. so shoutout to him for giving me some sort of musical inspo to write. comment//vote, so i can know if this is good or not. 

                           Jade wandered deeper into the first floor of her upper-class flat. She had never been too sure if it was actually a flat because it had two floors, but the upper floor was just dedicated to her art work and the planning of her most recent works.

Jade had soon exited her work space and sauntered down the spiral steps into the room that she didn't spend as much as time as she'd have like to spend in. Her kitchen.

She dropped her weight onto a stool that had been pushed against the kitchen island. She sat in silence for a few minutes, the only sound being heard were that of the ticking clock and her fingers drumming against the marble top of the island counter. She felt beyond exhausted and as her mind drifted between reality and her thoughts her exhaustion was only getting more visible.

Jade sat her self up the chair in shock once she heard her phone begin to blare from the living room. She got to the phone before the third ring and pressed it against her ear not bothering to check who was calling. After a moment of silence, she realized she had missed the call and she dropped her phone back onto the couch not bothering to call back. 

From previously glimpsing at the wall clock, she guessed it was one of her friends inviting her over for a night out. Jade strayed away from clubs, she hated the loud music and the mass of bodies and she couldn't help but wish her friends would simply understand that, but instead they deemed her words as simple excuses.

Jade retired to her bedroom and shrugged her favorite parka over her outfit which was quite simple with black stockings and a patterned sweater. She then retrieved her sketch book and a pencil and with that the girl bounded into her car and was off. 

Jade was never one to make such impulsive decisions but the girl would do anything to avoid going out with her friends tonight. She did appreciate her friends, but there were times she preferred being alone with her thoughts.

And tonight was one of those nights, she had graciously dedicated most of her day to a drawing but the image that inspired the drawing was what she struggled with as her mind could not begin to face the mystery girl. Jade knew the girl was beautiful, but when sat in front of her sketch pad her mind could not begin to process the mystery girl's beauty and that annoyed her. 

So with the only thought in her mind being how much she wanted to complete the artwork, the girl found herself roaring her car to life and driving to the art gala in hopes of being able to relive the memory.

Across the city of London, there was a girl who had also turned down a night out with friends because her thoughts were overclouding. Leighanne shook her head once more after her roommate asked her if she wanted to go. From where Leighanne was sat in front of the television, she could see her best friend watching her closely from the mirror.

Nearly a week had passed since the night at the Art Gala, and ever since Leighanne walked out of the Gala alone and began her journey home Jade Thirlwall had not escaped her mind. And after a bit of researching Leighanne had learnt a bit about the girl.

She hated the fact that she could not seem to push the thought of the nationally known celebrity out of her mind, and she knew drinking would do nothing to help, so instead she found herself slipping on her boots and her leather jacket then bounding out of her flat once her roommate had left. 

Leighanne straightened the jacket as she let the British winds engulf her body as she made a beeline straight for the underground station, tapping her oyster card against the gates and slipping through then hopping onto the train. 

Leighanne had been used the train to get around London so many times that she didn't really need to stop for details to know where she was going. London had become a large part of her life.

The train jeered as it made its way north of London, a place Leighanne would usually not go towards. She tucked her hands into her jacket as she hopped off the train less than twenty minutes later and began the ten minutes walking distance to her location. 

Leighanne was not certain of where her legs were carrying her as her mind was being boggled with more confusing thoughts, like how she felt right now and if she really knew what she was doing, but if there was one thing the girl was certain of, it was where she wanted to be, and that was around Jade Thirlwall.

And when she finally stopped in front of the familiar building, she smiled. Leighanne felt like the Art Gala was the only place that she'd be able to go to, to be near Jade.

And she was right.

Jade had entered through the back and settled into a secluded sitting area of the Gallery. Much like any other Gallery in England, there were not many people inside, and after briefly looking up she managed to count just a handful wandering about and discussing about the art works on display. 

She began to make strokes on the paper, her fingers gripped the pencil as she got lost in the creation of her work. She closed her eyes tightly as she tried to picture this girl, and it worked. She bit her lip nervously as her pencil idly flicked around the paper, letting her mind take over her drawing as it usually did.

She imagined the girl's facial features and let her pencil glide across the paper, and she remained like that. Trying to picture all the details of this girl. From the beauty of her tanned skin to how small her glistering eyes were. And as she opened her eyes, the outline of the creation her mind had began to draw impressed the girl to say the least.

And this was the way all her other masterpieces had been created, she would find a comfortable spot and draw with her eyes closed then work on the drawing adding outlines, shading, curved lines and color needed to complete the masterpiece.

And at the end of everything, Jade would be pleased with a smile on her lips when she was done.

"That is a pretty girl you've got there," an unfamiliar female voice spoke, and Jade turned so quickly it was a wonder how she had managed to avoid whiplash.

Jade's lips parted ever so slightly as her eyes went round. She was speechless as words refused to spill from her lips, and her mind was in a whirlwind of emotions but she did not have a clue as to how she should have felt. 

So when a sudden rush of pale pink stained her cheeks, it was no surprise. Jade shied away as she ducked her head and tucked a piece of her thick hair behind her ear. 

Jade blinked warily to make sure the girl stood in front of her was no creation of her imagination from her lack of sleep. 

"You are..." Jade managed.

Leighanne smiled after Jade spoke. Her voice was soft and floated through the space between them in a way Leighanne had never experience. Jade's accent was soft, but it was not the general London accent.

"Leighanne Pinnock," Leighanne started as she held out her hand, "But you can just call me Leigh".

Jade quickly recovered from her moment of shock and she accepted Leigh's hand, the moment their fingers connected a sharp burst shot through Jade and she almost didn't want to let Leighanne go, as she loved the feeling.

"I am Jade..." she mumbled bashfully after she remembered how introductions went. 

The two girls stared at each other for a few minutes as they took in eachother's beauty. Leighanne nervously tucked a piece of her behind her ear as she smiled politely at the girl, her eyes flickered over to the pencil drawing in the sketch pad.

And in that moment, as Jade let her gaze move over to her work, she immediately realized she had found her mystery girl.

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