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Ricky's POV

Ugh today is the first day of school but i'm finally on my senior year of high school so at least there's that. Although i am happy because i get to see my girlfriend and all my other friends again after all of us went to different places for summer vacation. Most importantly i get to see my beautiful friend Jessica wait ( A/N : quotation marks are Ricky's thoughts) "did i just call Jessica beautiful" anyway i better start getting ready for school so i won't be late.

By the time i'm done getting ready and eating breakfast i get in my car and start driving to school. I get to school with just enough time to spare so i head to homeroom and see everyone is already there so i just walk over to them and we start talking about what we did during the summer and how we are finally seniors.

As we were talking i couldn't help but notice that Laura was acting a bit strange so i asked her by saying babe what's wrong , she said nothing was wrong but i know she was lying because she answered back nervously. I'll just talk to her about it later and we continue talking until the teacher walks in and starts class by saying everything we are going to be this semester and other boring stuff until the bell rings and we all go to our second periods which i have with Brookelynn, Liam, Mavrick Jessica,and Bailee. Then the rest of the day passes by and now we're heading home, right before we left i promised Emery and Liam that i would be at Liam's house so we could do a new cover and they said ok since emery is mostly at Liam's house anyway.

Liam's POV

We are finally done with the first day of school so emery and i are now walking to my house to get ready for FIYM to do a new cover since we didn't get to do that during the summer because we were all at different places during break, but i'm glad i got to see Brookelynn again. We are now at my house, after few minutes everything is set up and half an hour later Ricky shows up , then we start making the cover video to Cake By The Ocean by DNCE.

After we finish making the cover and posting it on YouTube we just talk and hang out for a while until Ricky and Emery had to go home so we said our goodbye once they left i went back up to my room took a shower, got ready for bed said goodnight to my parents then went to bed dreaming about what it would be like if our band got discovered and signed to a major record label (A/N : THEY HAVE NOT BEEN DISCOVERED AS A BAND YET)and Brookelynn. I woke up the next morning feeling so happy because i get to see Brookeylnn and everybody else so i got ready for school, once i was ready i start driving to school when i was there the school day went on like yesterday but before leaving brooke pulled me aside and asked me to meet her at our spot at 7pm because she has something to tell me i said ok and it's nothing bad right,she said no then i said  and i love you too then we went to our houses to get ready for tonight. 

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