6 : Lisa Miller

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When I was younger my father used to tell me so many stories of guardian angels and how they had to be emotionally in touch with whomever they were guarding. The angels usually get attached, especially to the humans, and it will be hard to say goodbye.
I don't remember where in any of his stories where the guardian angel was dismissed so easily.
I have not a clue, how am I going to get Jace to talk to me. I've been attempting to talk to him for the past two days, but to no avail. However, he does appear to stare at me when he thinks I'm not looking.

This would be usually be the time to move onto the next plan, if only there were a next plan. I could ask 303- I mean Chris for help but I wanted to do this on my own. Perhaps when my parents notice how I have handled this assignment and solve Jace's non-existent problem I can be a realm angel like I always dreamed off. And hopefully that would require less than a decade.
This evening I was sitting in the large tree outside the house where I have found a cozy spot. It high up that people walking on the footpath below do not notice me and hidden enough that even if people stare from homes, they can only see the bright green leaves. The best thing about this place is that I have a direct view into Jace's bedroom.

As a sit on the tree munching on a bag of chips, I see Jace walking out of the house. As I was about to follow him, I see his sister running into his room. Maybe the king got it wrong it may really be Lisa who needs the help and not Jace.
Oh holy wings!! Why didn't I think of this before? She is hiding from someone. I get down from the tree to get to her. But then I heard her "Please mom, stop it please." Lisa is mistreated by her adoptive mother? Does Jace not know about this.

I quickly take the last few steps up their drive way and ring the doorbell.

"Hello" I call out.

For a minute there was silence. But nobody comes to the door. I try to open it only to find out that its locked. It's easy to break the door but I didn't want to explain my strength to the humans. I quickly used my magic to open the door and went to Jace's room.

I was shocked at the sight before me. The mother is bent over the daughter with a broken vase in her hands and the girl's hands are bleeding.

There is a gasp from everyone in the room at the same time.

"Who are you?" The mother askes me.

"I'm live on the opposite street, I heard noises and came to investigate." I reply "What is going on here"

"This is none of your business, please get out of our home" The now enraged lady comes at me with the broken vase.

"No, leave the child alone." I turn to Lisa and beckon her with my right hand "come here Lisa"

"How do you know her name? I will call the authorities if you don't leave my house" She threatens

"Go ahead and do that. I'm sure they would like to see what you are doing to the child." I reply

"Please no, don't call anybody" finally Lisa spoke

I turn to her surprised. But she continues "Thank you for trying to help me but I don't want the police here"

Maybe there is something going on that I am not aware of. But I'm not leaving her here like this.

"Does your brother know about this?" I ask

Both women in the room moved quickly

"Please don't tell my brother-"

"You will not tell a word to Jace-"

"Why should I do that?" I ask the mother. I was a hundred percent planning on letting Jace know. I really can't understand why Lisa fails to disclose any of this to anyone not even Jace, her adoptive mother abused her and she wants it to be a secret.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2023 ⏰

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