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Just found out: 100 Yellow Roses is #279 in short story! Eeek. It's all thanks to you guys. I love you guys!!! Thank you!
She froze. If he turned his head, he would see her.

A turn of events: she got lucky. He didn't turn his head. He got right back up and left the room.

After a while she sighed and got out from under her bed.

She got up and wiped her clothes, which were now covered in dust.

Then, she noticed the wall. She had seen him walk towards it.

Curiousity got the best of her, and she walked over to see what it was.

I knew you would come out. I had a tracking device in your phone. Look behind you.

The words sent a chill down her spine...

And then she realized she never heard him go down the stairs.

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