Chapter 13

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Red. A beautiful color that courses through the veins of every single living thing. A hue so beautiful and dangerous it could be confused with love or hate. Yet it was Morgan's favorite color.

Along with the color gold.

"Morgan?" a deep voice said beside him, bringing him out of his reverie. Gold eyes peered through red strands, sending warmth down Morgan's spine.

"Sorry," he murmured, "It seems my thoughts took me far from here."

A low chuckle rose from Atlantis, a sound so lovely it nearly sent tears to Morgan's eyes, "Your mind has always been floating away," he mused softly. Atlantis dug around his pack and pulled out a small dish, offering it to Morgan.

Guilt tore away at his chest. The merman before him was kind and gentle, forever putting Morgan's necessities before his own. He took the food, sending a smile in Atlantis way before eating his lunch half-heartedly.

Morgan knew that Atlantis meant something to him but no memories of their time together came to him.

"Isn't that Caspian?" Cassio pointed out, hands waving excitedly, light burning bright in excitement. Morgan blinked and looked at the lone black figure in the distance. He felt Atlantis stiffen beside him, hand instinctively going to the spear strapped behind his back.

Morgan placed his hand on Atlantis's shoulder, "It's okay," he murmured but not before feeling a certain spark when their skin's touched.

Morgan quickly pulled away and focused on the dark figure that was making it's way towards them.

"Thank the gods I found you," Caspian said, his breath nearly visible through his gills.

Morgan eyed the merman, who's aura seemed different than when he last saw him. No longer was it black but a strange shade of gray, as if color glowed around him.

"What ails you Lord Caspian?" he spoke.

"I seek your help. Something has happened that I don't understand," Caspian murmured, confusion visible over his features.

"Is it the human?" Morgan said, a grin threatening to break through the serious facade he had put on.

Caspian nodded, "He looks different, more fish than human."

Morgan could feel excitement boil inside him, "Did you complete the bond?"


The answer had barely left Caspian's lips when Morgan sped past him.


Marcus doused his skin with the seawater, alleviating the dryness from his skin. It was something he found himself doing repeatedly.

Ever since he woke up, the changes in his body had started to become more pronounced. The tattoos covered most of his body, blending with the black webbing that had grown between his fingers, even fish scales grew in patches over his arms and his sides. The strangest part was the strange webbing that had a appeared over his ear. He had felt it when he ran his hand through his hair, the silky tips of the webbing caressing the palm of his hands.

A shiver went down his spine. He knew next to nothing of Caspian's world but the fact that his body was transforming into a fish didn't offer much consolation.

The worst part was he barely even knew Caspian. What his favorite color was or his favorite food. Their conversations had been quiet, words exchanged through touches and silver eyes meeting black orbs.

It was a strange relationship, where he knew everything and yet nothing of Caspian.

"You must be Marcus," a voice said, breaking through his thoughts.

Marcus turned. In that moment, the world stopped, his eyes falling on the strangest creature he had ever seen.

Dark hair mixed with green seaweed fell past the creature's scale covered shoulders and dark tattoos swirled over his body. The most peculiar features were his cat like eyes, a hue of vibrant green, watching him with glittering curiosity.

Marcus swallowed, "I am Marcus. Who are you?"

The man swam around him, his eyes catching the spikes that grew from his back and blended with the tail that stayed hidden beneath the water.

"I am Morgan," the merman murmured, green hues raking over Marcus's recently changed body.

He self consciously crossed his arms over his chest, hiding his lack of muscles that the other merman definitely had.

"You're Caspian's mate," Morgan hummed.

His ears perked up at the mention of his beloved, "Do you know him?"

Morgan smiled, showing his shark like teeth, "Very little, but he has sought my help."

"Morgan!" another voice cried from far out of the ocean, a head full of blood red hair clinging to white skin.

The merman swam closer, the golden orbs glowing with a strange emotion that Marcus couldn't decipher.

"Don't run swim away from me like that!" the merman cried, looking as if he wanted to pull Morgan into a hug but kept his hands restrained.

Morgan, only blinked, "Sorry Atlantis."

Marcus watched the two, his brows furrowed. There was definitely something between the two, something he couldn't put his finger on.


Shivers went down his spine an arm wrapped around his waist and tugged him closer to a warm and hard body.

"Caspian," Marcus murmured softly, turning to face his mate. Black orbs swirled with tenders, thin lips tilting up in a slight smile.

He motioned to the two men, "This Morgan and Atlantis. Morgan is a witch and Atlantis is a prince from the Emerald Kingdom, Morgan's self proclaimed guardian."

Atlantis threw a glare at Caspian before looking away with a huff, making Marcus stifle a giggle of amusement.

Morgan rubbed his hands together, "So, when did the transformation happen?"

Marcus nibbled his lip, "Last night, a few days after the bite."

A strange expression shifted over the witch's features, almost like he was plotting something, "Right, the Onyx Mating Bond."

"Yes," Caspian spoke, "But the bond never causes tattoos."

Morgan furrowed his brows and neared Marcus, their noses a few centimeters from touching. Their eyes met, silver clashing with green, never moving away. It wasn't that Marcus could look away. It seemed as if his body was frozen and he couldn't look away from the glowing green light.


Marcus blinked, confusion clouding his mind, "What?"

Morgan only smiled, "Nothing," he spoke and turned to Caspian, "You have nothing to worry about, the tattoos are only a side effect from the bond you created. As for the tail, leave that up to me."

Marcus couldn't say a word, but the fact that he would be able to join Caspian beneath the waves and see the beauty that remained hidden from mankind, it made his heart jump with joy.

Special thanks to @Violett_Night for posting meaningful comments ;3

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