Chapter One: Wish

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My chocolate brown irises feasted hungrily upon the images within the torn and tattered book that laid open on the cold, wooden flooring.

The material taught from the underground books were more exhilarating and exciting than what the school books on the above level had to offer me.

The history session I use to attend every Thursday afternoon were in vain and of no use to me; especially because of how pretensive and arrogant the teacher was.

Everyone knew Mr Clairent was no purebred, even if he'd desire to imagine himself as such.

I ran my fingertips along the worn and aged pages, fantasizing of what was labeled as the unorthodox and socially unacceptable.

I dreamed of what it would be like to have lived before the Differentiation Separation Age or for short the D.S.A.

I remembered voicing these comments to my mother at a younger age, out of curiousity,and in return I received a disciplining back-handed slap and was ordered to memorize the first thirty laws of our society.

If my father were home, he would have intervened possibly but then again he's has been a stranger to his own house since I was a little girl except for his long, on and off vacation periods.

A heavy knocking sound at the door startled me and I dove to shove the book away into my shoulder bag.

"Lady Nightingale, a Miss Nelson is here to you."

Entered the house keeper right before I stumbled to my feet and slung my bag over my shoulder.

I nodded in appreciation and walked passed her, down winding corridors that seemed to go on forever and to eventually connect to either the main entrance or exit.

Tonight's proceedings took a bit of manipulation on my part but I had had just about enough with the Khalan norm and I had been dying for months now to be Arsin.

Even though it was like an unwritten and treasonous rule that there was to be no public speaking of Ansiria, that couldn't cease the rumours that ravaged throughout the student body if the forbidden continent that did not follow our and the rest of the world's rules.

I had lingered near the borders between Khala and Ansiria but this was the first time I had forced myself to work up the courage to enter the forsaken land.

Kimberly Nelson stood, arms crossed against her chest and Anne-Marie and Kelly glanced up and rose from where they sat on the front steps of my home.

I stared at them in awe, the three girls in front of me where some of the top students in my year group at school but ironically enough they were a part of the group of delinquents behind all of the graffiti and practical jokes pulled on the teachers year round.

"Are you positive that she's not just going to rat us out?"

Kelly inquired harshly and advanced on me with her intimidating glare.

Despite how rapidly my chest heaved out of fear, I stood my ground and snarled,

"I don't have time to waste on ratting out your pretense."

The flicking of a lighter caught our attentions and Kimberly sent a playful smile our way,

"Cut the girl some slack, she's already paid her dues to the club. Now let's all just go out and have a good time."

Kimberly inhaled from her cigarette and released smoky waves into the cold air that disappeared into the night.

Her dirty blonde locks bounced as she hopped down the stairs just like a child would and laughed heartfully on her way to the silver truck parked on the street.

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