Dedication and Disclaimer

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I want to dedicate this piece to all the men and women of the Mibba community who have encouraged and inspired me to keep on writing. Without them I would have never finished writing anything, let alone this story.

Disclaimer & Copyright

This story is a historical fiction which takes place in the 1780s which is known as the Georgian or Romantic Era. All characters and plot are my own and are a work of complete fiction. I am the rightful owner of everything written and none of it can be used without my prior written consent to you. Only small snippets (for reviews, critiques, or the like) may be used without my permission as long as I am cited.

Like all good stories, research is needed for background and I have done the best I can with Google as my resource. Many things from that time, while documented are hard to sift though. Events of historical significance may have been omitted for the sake of the story but I am aware of several things that did take place but chose not to incorporate for the sake of the story. I have spent countless hours researching locations, clothing, activities, everything that I wrote about has been researched for the most part to ensure that you, the readers, have an accurate story.

EvermoreOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora