Chapter 1

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It was a foggy, rainy morning. I sat in the kitchen with my Mother, Father, and my brother. Bored and wondering if my life will consist of boring moments like this. I just blankly stared at my father who was just about to take a trip to another township to transport and sell all the fish he caught. I asked if I could accompany him on this trip but he just ignored my question. My father was stubborn as a mule. My mother doesn't let him drink too much because he gets violent towards her and my brother. One night he was plastered and he caused a fight at the locale bar and got banned never to enter again. About two years after that we moved to Yorkshire, a country north of where we used to live. Suddenly I noticed the rain stopped so I decided to go for a stroll around town. As I was about to exit the door my brother asked to tag along with me. I gladly accepted his request. So off we went. While we were out walking around the town I thought we might as well get some groceries at the market-place. As we walked along the trail I noticed that my little brother was walking directly in my footsteps as if he was my own shadow. I couldn't help but laugh at him. When we got to the market-place I noticed that there was some strange plant hanging above the door. We picked and bought the groceries and went on to the next store. My brother was strangely dragging his feet when we came across an odd book store. Out of curiosity, we entered the building. There was a short, old man behind the counter. I walked up to him with my brother by my side. "excuse me Mr." With a rangy voice he said "oi, speak up lad. I'm hard of hearing." He leaned in closer to me and my brother I repeated myself, "My good sir, may we purchase a book please?" "Why didn't you just say so my lads? just go pick one!" We walked around the store. It was old and the book cases were torn. My brother eventually picked up an old torn book with a strange symbol on it. I was oblivious at the moment but I was too tired to care. We went to the clerk and I used the money from my paper route and then we started to walk home. When we got home it was around noon. My mother and father were already asleep. Shortly after a few minutes, my brother followed me to our room to go to sleep as well. As I lay in my bed, I often love to stare at the moon. Something about the moon intrigued me. Suddenly, I heard a loud howl. This was not the first time I heard this howl. Every night since I moved here, I've been hearing this howl, wondering what it could possibly be. Some sort of strange dog or wolf? possibly. But I wasn't worried about it too much. As long as I'm not around it there is no reason to worry. I started to drift off to sleep and began to dream about this plain field. I was running faster than any human ever could and the moon was full. The night, darker than any I have ever seen. The next morning I walk to the table where my mother was making some coffee. "Hey, ma. what day is it?" "Monday, my dear. why?" "My boss wants me to work today." As soon as those words left my mouth she gave me a pissed glare. "Bloody hell Riley! what about school?" "I haven't been going to school because I need to help you with the bills mom. I need the overtime." "You will do no such thing now get to school." "But mom, I don't want to get fired and we need the money." "NOW BOY!" "Fine. I'll go" So I left the house and secretly headed to work. I was halfway to work when I felt something in my bag. so I looked inside my bag and to my surprise it was the old book I bought for my brother. But how did it get in there? I didn't put it in there. He didn't either 'cause this morning he ran straight out of the house and even forgot his lunch. But I was busy so I just put it back in my pack and continued my way to my paper route. "Oi Riley! What kept ya boy?" "My mother just kept me boss. sorry sir." "Bes not happen again or you're fired boy." "Yes sir, it won't happen again."

Character Sheet

Riley Gray (Main character)

April Grey (Mother)

Maxwell Grey (Father)

Little brother (Brother)

Cam Balmont (Boss)

Van (Bookstore owner)

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