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This book is fiction and has come completely from my own imagination. The story line, plots and characters are my own and I am honestly extremely proud with some of the ideas I have webbed from the tiniest thought in mind, in which I have contributed to this story. Needless to say nobody likes plagiarism and I would appreciate it if it did not occur with this, or any of my works. Thank you.

Have you ever completely considered the concept of fear? How every person you pass on the streets cringes and reacts adversely to how you may react to something?

A concept: what is your biggest fear? Is it the irrational, sickening adrenaline you get when you flip on a rollercoaster ride, or the way your spine curls at the sight of a spider crawling up your thigh? Little phobias are existent, but the whole ear splintering experience of your gravest fear is far more extravagant, and what is that to you?

What triggers them? The amygdala in your brain that links your phobias with emotional stimulation? Or the neuropsychiatry disruption you feel when you receive that ill and nauseous feeling at the thought of that one thing? Or maybe several things. Maybe, the linking fibre of your fears has a greater definition of who you are, or were, to what you'd expect.

Like dejavu, your phobia can hit you during any concept. A potential memory of an experience or just a made up fantasy one thought up themselves. It's a constant stimulant we all hold, but why?

Maybe it's built from a past event that continuously brought your fear to life. A realisation that they're capable of breath within an unbearable seasoning, giving them the capability to haunt you.

But what if, it killed you?

In a society built on phobias, avoiding the reality of life and death is inevitable. The adrenaline one receives from fear is far from the ordinary. Standing amongst a group of individuals that hold the same phobia as you, didn't 'aid' you. It conspicuously separated the strong from the weak. And considering the exact notions, the outcomes and experiences are known to be unique to the individual, with their fearfulness varying.

They call them the aversions. The strong dislike or opposition their personality carried against their fear. Our world divided between the facts of reality and fantasy. Categorising people by levels of fear due to exact proposal and experiences, we were taught to become the labels we were given.

The two stations devised us into smaller factions. You was either an individual marked as An Authentic  or An Inventor. Consisting of every registered fear up to date, our world was seen to be 'safer'. To calm the minimisation of those that carry a belief in different things. Because for every one optimist located within this town, followed with a dozen idealists.

THE AUTHENTICS; - those that carry a fear of an existing being or thing.

The aversion consists of:

The Critters:
Nowadays, they're referred to as 'the mutts'. The ones that are scarily petrified of all beings with no, two or more legs. Reptiles, insects, you name it; its there.

The Materialists:
These were the people petrified of the concept of something materialistic. Day to day objects or just something you have the capability to touch. The list was endless.

The Elements:
The extreme conditions of harsh weather occurrences. Fire, water, wind and earth create such a consumption of fear within these individuals that some of them find difficulty in walking the outside world.

The Tormentors:
Those that found dread and utter nauseousness in the idea of torture, drowning, claustrophobia or any form of physical pain, were located in this category.

THE INVENTORS; - those that carry a fear of something fantasy, something unknown; something self inflicting.

The aversion consists of:

The Unknowing;
The category in which people are fearful to the unknown. The deep depths of the ocean, space, aliens, the paranormal. Every single aspect of the mysteries that cannot be discovered of the dark wonders in the Emercity, were held within this enlarged group.

The Hallucinogens;
These were those that were petrified of something they experience via their dreams or the use of an illegal drug. This can vary between mystical beings to vivid things distributing intense and drastic motions of continuous fear; despite it being complete fantasy.

The Void;
An empty motion causing such a deep sorrow of loneliness within these people, they are terrified of nothingness, terrified of being forgotten. Irony passes between these individuals as their skin curls at something invisible and self inflicting,

And then you have those that are afraid of not having enough time, of loving, of living; of dying. These individuals do not fall under a certain category.

Why may you ask?

These fears live in all of us. The constant self affliction of wanting to grasp the desire of love with your palms of ungratefulness and past trauma. The unknowing sensation of dying that clutches onto your lungs until not another breath of air can escape your carnivorous soul because the thought of nothingness becomes overbearing. And then you have the fear of living due to such dreadful circumstances you have already endured. The thought of ceasing to live for another day clawing at your heart because all you seem to experience is pain and heartbreak; all you seem to experience, is fear.

Full of heartbreak, misled accusations and lovers that are bound to cross paths, this was Aurora Parker. An outcast, a misplaced soul, a mystery. Her fears were not exclusive to the world, nor herself. There was a reason behind her befuddlement; a secret.

This was life in the Emercity. Fear defined us, fear defined them. But fear, did not define her.

That was quite a long summary despite not wanting to give too much of the plot line away due to significant things that will occur throughout the upcoming chapters. But I will say, there are several Easter eggs embedded in what you have just read.

Normally in the chapters I have wrote for previous books, I include [A/N] at the beginning/end of every single chapter. I want this story to differ and I am going to try and minimalise the amount of author notes.

I am so extremely happy I have finally published this long awaited story as it's been in my drafts since forever. Honestly, this is the most proud I have felt over any of my works, and I personally love the ideas I have for this & I can only hope you will too.

Anyway I'm going to stop rambling on lmao,

I hope you enjoy.


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