●Chapter 13:Lost All Control●

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-Chapter 13-

°Sandy's POV°

"How many times do I have to tell you to stay away from Harry!?"Karen angrily shouted at me as she fisted my hair in her hands,slamming me against the wall causing me to wince in pain because of the hard impact.

"I-I'm sorry,He invited me to g-go with him"I stuttered, preventing the tears spilling out of my eyes.

"Well then you should've declined his invite!He will only want a woman like me!"She yelled at me and she slammed my limp body against the cement wall.Her words actually hurt, but it was true.Harry would never want a woman like me, a woman like Karen is what he wants.

"Please Karen,I'm sorry"I apologized and tears started streaming down my face but she didn't listen to any of my pleas as she continued abusing me which made my body feel weak.She soon stopped as she grabbed my by the shoulder, digging her sharp nails on the sensitive skin which was very painful.

She forcefully dragged me with her as she gave me a few taunts because I was very slow.I couldn't be fast enough in walking after Karen nearly broke my knee and I was glad she didn't do it.Soon,we arrived at the fourth floor of the house and I realized where Karen was dragging me,the attic.I hated staying there especially when it's dark and there were a few rats crawling around.

"You will be staying here tonight"Karen said with an evil smirk and I shook my head in disagreement, mumbling a "no" and she just ignores me and grabs a rope from table's drawer.

"This is your punishment for going near him you little bitch"She mumbled as she ties the rope tightly around my wrists and I tried get away from her but I was too weak.Soon,I got pushed inside the room as I face planted down the dusty floor.Hearing the door shut and being locked made my heart race in panic.I immediately stood up from the floor with shakey knees as I hold on the door knob,twisting it around but to only learn it was locked.No.

I slammed my fists hard against the wooden door and choked screams came out of my mouth.

"Karen! Please!"I pleaded as I continued crying.The whole attic was incredibly dark except for a small light coming from a round window.

"Open the door!Somebody please open the door!"I frantically shouted,slamming my fists harder on the wooden door as my knuckles were getting small bruises.After an hour has passed of me shouting, I gave up.I rested myself by the door in case Karen changes her mind but I know she wouldn't let me out not until a day or two has passed.I knew her too well.

I curled up into a ball,sobbing quietly afraid to open my eyes because of the darkness surrounding me.


I flutter my eyes open to see that I was still in the attic.I must've fallen asleep.I prayed that it would be another stupid nightmare.

I'm such a cry baby.I thought to myself.

I looked around to see that it was really dark which frightened me a little.I shuffled a bit to my side as my hand landed on something oily which made me flinch and I realized then from it's smell that it was food.

I wiped my hands against my jeans. I remembered then my phone was in the back pocket of my jeans and it could provide me a small amount of light in here.I grabbed my phone behind as I unlocked it to provide me a small amount of light.I focus the light's attention against the food and a groan escapes my lips as I realized what it is.

Raw meat topped with fish oil and a glass of water next to the dish.

My eyes immediately caught a sticky note with the shade of yellow on the glass.I plucked it from the object, bringing it closer to me as I read it slowly, word for word and I could identify it as Karen's hand writing.

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