32. Another tag

54 5 67

ClintonFrancisBarton tagged me.

1) Who are you in the Zombie Apocalypse?
The badass who's takes everybody out.

2) What is your favourite Alien (a movie concerning extraterrestrials) movie?
I've got three... Guardians of the Galaxy (Do they count?), E.T and Earth to Echo

3) What shoes do you wear almost every day?
Probably may naive blue ZX's

4) What do you eat when you go to the movie theatre?
I scran on salted popcorn and a tango ice blast.

5) What is the funniest story that you have been a part of?
Cba thinking of one.

6) Would you rather have a metal arm or be blind with enhanced senses?
Blind with enhanced senses.

7) Do you know who X-23 is?

8) Who do you think is the best actor to play Spider-Man?
Andrew Garfield (not including Spider-Man in civil war).

9) Who is your favourite marvel villain?
-Wilson Fisk

10) Would you rather live in a city or the country?
A city.

11) Have you ever fell down the stairs?

I tag:

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