Reacting to The Seven Deadly Sins

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Lately, I've been hooked on The Seven Deadly Sins and I've learned and understood better. This is what I was mostly like X'D:

"Hey, it's that one guy!" "Oh yeah, Meliodas.""Is that Gowther?" "Where's Gowther?" "When do I get to see Gowther?" "That's Gilthunder?! Him?!..... he looks like Gowther." "Which one lives there? I hope it's Gowther." "Piggy!!!" "*Gilthunder gets close to Meliodas' face* Kiss- I mean nothing." "Ban? Ban? Where's Ban?" "Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban!" "*Ban puts hands on Meliodas' shoulders and smiles*...... I ship it so hard......" "I am an Otaku now....." "GOWTHERE ARE YOU DEAD?!!?" "BAN! NO, BAN! KILL HIM BAN!" "I fucking love Ban....." "Gowtheeeeer......" "I fucking love King already....." "*BIG GASP* GOWTHEEEER!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 *tears of joy*"

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