Chapter 1; Avalons Story, Part 1

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Avalon, a quite graceful but stern being, was born to the wedded royal couple of Johnathan Whitstrake, a former human turned elven via ancient magics, and Jessivia Whitstrake (Formerly Aeraron). His state of birth was quite... unique. Avalons eyes were open upon exiting his mothers womb, and they were at their fullest of color; A hurricane-like grey, the irises swirling like a Raging typhoon.

In his Avalons most delightful set of years, namely his years as a carefree child, he was quite the wrath to the elders of Advengarde. Every other hour, an elder would exit their bedrooms or bathrooms, with a expressed rage showing upon their faces, as they had been pranked once again by the little devil, named Avalon. For example; One of the elders, had sat upon their primitive toilet, powered my the mills, had not expected a strain of gunpowder to go off under the seat. this was the work of Avalon, and you could probably understand the effects of this.

When Avalon was in the years of a teenager, he had been a slight bit more mature. Avalon had discovered a lowly peasant by the name of Druindar Shaxidor, whom had no parents, as they had died within a farm fire. Avalon had asked his father to take the peasant under his wing, And Jonathan had done so. The two children were like brothers.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Rather large time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Many years later, at the age of 24, Avalon had come home from his daily patrol of the perimeter, And was walking through the gates, entering the bustling city that he had called home. He had caught sight of a rather enthralling woman, by the name of Yril Stratespire. An hourglass figure, well toned body, and Crimson red hair, this was the style of woman Avalon had been searching for. Avalon strides to the woman, before striking up a conversation with her. In the midst of the conversation, Yril asks if Avalon had any plans. Avalon answered with a simple no. then, Yril asks if he had any current plans, and Avalon answers with another simple no. this leads yril to ask if Avalon would like to come home with her, and Avalons obvious answer was yes. (Conclusion of Avalons story, chapter 1, Part 1.)

Elven Warrior; Avalon Whitstrakeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن