*** Introduction ***

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When Ellie's fiancé, Akira, suddenly dies on a road accident, she has to face the reality that most of her future goals, including career ones, were entwined with his.

Unsure what to do next, she decides to take a long break, starting by following on travel plans she had made together with Akira.

On her journey, soon she makes new friends, learns to deal with her loss and sets new life goals.

Then she realises that she is no longer by herself. As new love knocks on her door, will Ellie be healed enough and ready to enter a new relationship? Will he be prepared to accept her vulnerabilities and wait until she is ready?

Copyright © BelaSyd


This is a story very close to my heart. For starters, it exemplifies John Lennon's quote "Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans." My life too, took an unexpected turn, when I was busy going on a different direction.

It takes place in three countries. Australia, where I live now. Japan, which is one of my favourite countries. And Germany, the country of my father's ancestors and where I spent the first five years of my married life, with my German husband, before we moved to Australia.

Japan, has a particular importance in the story and I tried to portray some of its many allures.

I welcome those of you who decide to partake in Ellie's journey and I hope to meet you along the way.

See you soon. Mata chikai uchi ni o ai shimashou. Bis bald.

Sydney, 6 March 2017


This story is dedicated to the many Wattpad writers who inspired me. I love the way MCRomances integrates her multicultural experiences in her stories. It was by reading her stories that I got the idea to write a story based on my own multicultural and travel experiences.

I also like to thank many other Wattpad writers for stories and for inspiring me. Here is only a short list

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2018 ⏰

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