Chapter 1

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(A/N – Ok so a couple things to keep in mind... Wally doesn't know Robin's identity and Artemis didn't transfer to Gotham Academy. Now let the story commence! :) Hope you like it!)

"Team report for mission briefing." Batman's voice boomed over the intercom.

Wally quickly turned off the TV a hopped up off the couch. "Come on guys we're getting a mission! Aren't you excited?!" he was practically vibrating with excitement.

The rest of the team just rolled their eyes and stretched getting off the couch "Of course we're excited for a new mission Baywatch we just don't show our enthusiasm like you do." Artemis said smirking before planting a kiss on his cheek.

Well that shut him up. He blushed all the way as they walked into the debriefing room. Batman stood in front of the computer looking as stoic as ever. "Team for this mission you will be infiltrating a school whose headmaster is suspected of running an illegal gang out of Gotham. This gang has been credited with the deaths of hundreds of citizens. Do to the fact that none of the League can infiltrate the school it has now come down to you all. Unfortunately Robin probably isn't going to be too happy about this..."

Robin raised an eyebrow "And which school are we going to be infiltrating exactly?"

To the team's surprise Batman rubbed the back of neck as if he were almost... nervous... (What?! Batman doesn't get nervous! Right?) "Um... Would you believe... Gotham Academy?"

Robin's mouth opened and closed like a fish as his brain tried to formulate the information it was just given. He finally settled on a glare "Discussion. My room. Now." He growled.

(A/N - Hey guys! :) Hope you liked it! Stay whelmed and feel the aster!)

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