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"Let me go with you" I pleaded again as I watched him re-check his weapon cache, three knives showing, and a fourth hidden in his boot. Two guns on his back and a small flamethrower in his holster.

  "no Leonard you are staying here" he growled as he laced up his boots.

Ignoring him I threw on my blue parka and shoved my freeze ray into my holster. I flinched as he grabbed my arm and turned me towards him.

"no Len this job is to dangerous, and plus it's a level five and you know you don't like killing" i looked away I knew he would bring that up, ever since I became a KillJoy I had been very clear to the Rack, the people who contract KillJoys "bounty hunters that help keep the entire Quad safe", and also to him that I didn't want to kill but this was different, this man and his group of thugs have killed hundreds and plus they are about fifty strong and not even "Chronos the destroyer" would be able to take that many on at once by himself.

    "this is different and you know it, this guy is high profile asshole, and not to mention you cant take them all on by yourself" I growled in a drawl. i knew I had won the minute he sighed. Breaking out of his hold I pointed to the bed and he gave me a sly grin that made every inch of my body react, he knew he had me in his snare and the grin proved it as he patted his lap. I stood there and briefly considered fighting the temptation but it was impossible, making  a small moaning noise I straddled his lap, and looked into his beautiful blue eyes.

"do you think we have time for this?" I asked not taking my eyes off of his.

"I always have time you" he said in a low sultry voice, I could feel his hard on against mine and wished our clothes would just disappear. Grabbing  the back of my neck Mick pulled me in for a deep kiss, moaning I leaned into the kiss, slipping my hand under Micks shirt I began rubbing his hard muscular chest, my fingers gliding over his hard nipples making growl in pleasure.

  I moaned as Mick started taking off my parka, I was so engrossed in what Mick was doing I almost fell off his lap when the monitor on the wall began beeping before I could say or do anything

  "patch the message through" Mick said obviously not caring if whoever the caller was saw me straddling him.

"is that the only thing you two ever do" said a familier voice that sounded annoyed but amused.

"you know it Dutch. Calling to make sure we remember we have a mission, if so the answer is yes" Mick said with a small chuckle

'well I can tell you do unless you wear your weapons during foreplay? Don't  answer that im sure you do, anyway im actually contacting you two to let you guys know me, Johnny and Davon are going with you, orders from the Rack, and before you ask, I have no idea why they  want us working this mission together but they do, and don't worry we can take Gideon instead of Lucy if you want to" she said

I looked up at Mick who sighed and looked down at me, it had been awhile since we had a crew aboard Gideon with us, and that didn't end to well, but we both knew there was no way out of this "its ok we will travel on Lucy with you guys" I said not turning around, I didn't want to see the sad look of pity on Dutches face. "we will meet you there in an hour we just have to get some gear off Gideon and we will be there" I said still facing Mick

  "alright" I heard Dutch say sadness in her voice, at I heard the faint sound the monitor makes everytime a video feed ends I buried my face against Micks chest, as tears welled up in my eyes thinking of our fallen crew. I began sobbing as I felt Micks arms around me pulling me in tightly against him, letting me know it was ok to let it out.

   After sitting there for what seemed like forever I finally pulled myself together kissed him and slid  off his lap and reached my hand to him, which he took and let me pull him up, with one last long look we turned and left our little apartment and headed to Gideon to get some of the gear we left on there.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2016 ⏰

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