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Username: aryanugh_
Name: Arianne Fel B. Fernandez
Age: 16 years old

SNS Accounts:
-Twitter: @aryanistical
-Instagram: aryanugh_

Stories written:
-Kissing Ice Cauliffe
-Hating Klein Vidler
-When The Bitch Falls
-Mad Blood
-A Spark of Beauty

1. Who inspires you to write?

Myself, I guess. I have this dream of becoming a published author and it keeps me motivated everytime.

2. What genres do you prefer to write?

Romance or Romcom. I don't really have that deep reason but I think that genre just fits my style. But I also want to try Sci-Fi or Fantasy in the future.

3. When did you start writing?

Started writing at the age of 10. I was a Grade Four student back then, when my eldest cousin asked me to write a poem about nature on Microsoft Word of their computer so she can edit it after with page borders and such.

Talking about writing here on wattpad, I first published my story Breathing To Be Yours on January 2015. Yet, I just decided to unpublish it after a week.

4. Where do you think is the best place to write?

Bed. Hammock. Somewhere far from internet connection.

5. Why do you want to write?

I want to write because I want to express and of course, to impress. I want to touch someone's heart through my writing. I want to open someone's mind through my words. I want to bring someone to another place through my story, be it fiction or reality.

6. How do you write your stories?

My ideas and plots just comes out of my mind everytime I am inside the bathroom, wearing nothing but a coat of cold water dripping my body. SPG. Lol

Another thing, I don't really do outlining and planning. I just write and think of scenes and write again and think of a twist and write again and think of another scene again. Bad, isn't it? That's why Kissing Ice Cauliffe has plenty of loopholes. And that's a mistake.

On POVs, I use two styles. Third person or first person. However, I am more comfortable in using Third POV omniscient.

"Learn to write to learn" -aryanugh_

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